Policies and procedures – a beginner’s guide (childminders)

​One of the most common questions that childminders have when they are first setting up their business is – what policies and procedures do I need?


The important thing to remember is that you don’t need to have a policy on absolutely everything. If you are registered on the Childcare Register in England to care for children age 5-8, then you are only required to have your complaints policy and procedure and your safeguarding children policy in writing.

So before starting to write policies on washing hands, spilt drinks, and jumping on the sofa, ask yourself – “do I really need one?”. The EYFS does not require you to have policies written down, although it can be good practice to have a core set of written policies to underpin your practice. Sample policies and procedures have been produced by PACEY to support you.


As a registered childminder in Wales there is a clear position on the policies and procedures you must have in place in accordance with the requirements of the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare. PACEY Cymru has produced policy guidance to support you.

Whether you live in England or Wales here is a handy checklist of dos and don’ts when it comes to setting up policies and procedures.


  • Understand the difference between a policy and a procedure: a policy is a written statement about how you will work in one area of your practice. A procedure details the actions you will take to carry out the policy.
  • As noted above the position on written policies varies depending on where you live. However it is good practice to consider key areas specific to you where a policy or procedure may support you in your childminding setting. This shows professionalism, and also means that you can give them to parents or carers so that it is easier to revisit and review them. A consistent approach also means that all your parents will have been given the same message which can help prevent misunderstandings further down the line. If you use an electronic system or email, you can allow parents access to policies on a shared platform which you may prefer.
  • Take time to go through these policies with parents and carers during settling-in visits. This will help you and the parents to get to know each other and will give parents the opportunity to ask questions about your policies and procedures. There are also parental permission forms which you can download and adapt.
  • Remember that having comprehensive policies and procedures will make it easier for you to demonstrate to Ofsted (England) or CIW (Wales) how you manage your practice. This will save you a lot of time explaining your approach when inspection day comes.
  • In Wales pre-registration training is a requirement of registration in Wales. In England if you haven’t already, consider taking the Level 3 Preparing to Work in Home-based Childcare award. It is the most comprehensive qualification and covers everything you need to become a childminder. It includes lots of guidance on writing policies and will help you to use them in your practice.


  • Don’t believe everything you read. Be wary of some of the sample policies found online – not only could they be out-of-date, they may even suggest inappropriate policies that are not required. Refer to the appropriate page of the Statutory Framework in England and the policy guidance for Wales to support you to create your own personalised policies and procedures that reflect your individual setting. Sample policies for England are also provided on the PACEY website for you to adapt.
  • Don’t panic – there is lots of additional information on the PACEY website and members can always phone the PACEY helpline for guidance on 0300 003 0005.

Policies and procedures top tips:

Although childminders in England are not required under the EYFS to make written copies of policies and procedures available, it is recommended good practice for all home-based childcarers to have written policies, and to give copies of these to parents and carers. In Wales childminders have to ensure these are available to parents and carers to meet the requirements of the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare.

1. Keep it simple

  • Your policy should start with a short, clear statement, for example, “It is my policy to keep children safe when they are in my care”.
  • Keep the language simple and jargon free.

2. Say what you are going to do

  • List the things that you will do to ensure that you meet your opening policy statement.
  • Say how you will do them and when (e.g. under what circumstances you’ll start using your policies and procedures).

3. Make it your own

  • Think about your own practice and your setting and write your policies to meet your own needs.

Putting policy into practice: checklist

  • Do you review your policies regularly when there are changes in your setting (e.g., if you introduce pets to the setting or after an accident or incident)? And do you include a review date on the document?
  • Are you following the procedures you have set for yourself?
  • Is your policy evident in your practice and not something gathering dust in a folder?
  • What do parents think of your policies? Have you asked them to suggest additions or changes? Would you consider making them?
  • Your policies can form part of your contract with families. Have you got copies signed and dated by both you and the parents? Have you given a copy to the parents?
  • Have you included useful numbers for parents on your policies? For example the PACEY helpline, Ofsted or CIW, social services duty desk?

For more top tips, read:

England: PACEY associate Sue Asquith’s paperwork busting myths .

Wales: PACEY Cymru’s paperwork busting myths blog

Read how outstanding childminder Anne Leach uses policies and procedures in her setting.

Case study: Fixing and learning

Emma Prydden runs Emma’s Childminding in Wrexham, and has a background in manufacturing and engineering. “We love anything that we can tinker with, from stripping down old electrical equipment to see how it looks inside, to fixing bikes on the drive – changing tyres, putting chains back on, carrying out basic maintenance and checking that they are safe to use,” she says. Emma encourages children of all ages to use trial and error and real tools to fix bikes, supervising from a distance with lots of suggestions. “One little boy loved arranging the spanners in size order and was thrilled when he worked out he could use the 13mm spanner to adjust the bike seat.”

Case study: Simple activities

Victoria Johns runs Little Bear Childminding in Welsh village Dafen, incorporating into her setting activities such as baking soda volcanoes, simple building activities with playdough and lollipop sticks, using different materials with magnets, looking at nature items on a light box, and testing what will melt ice the fastest.

In particular, STEM activities have benefits for children with autism and ADHD, Victoria says, offering sensory experiences, language development, mastering fine and gross motor skills, helping them grow in confidence and 16 understand their own bodies. She adds: “I have seen children with ALN stay focused and engaged in STEM activities for long periods. The children learn resilience and patience, and we work in a group to reach a collective goal.”

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