Pre-Registration Courses
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- Training and Qualifications
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- Pre-Registration Courses
If you’re interested in registering as a childminder or nanny in England or Wales, then you’ve come to the right place.
With over 40 years’ experience and expertise, PACEY is best placed to support you on your journey to become a childcare professional.
Find out more about our pre-registration courses in…
England- Preparing to work in home-based childcare
Our Level 3 Award in Preparing to Work in Home-based Childcare (HBCA) is the most comprehensive qualification to help you cover everything you need to begin a career in home-based childcare as a childminder or nanny in England.
Whether you’re new to the sector, or are an existing childcare professional, you’ll cover how to work effectively with children in a home-based setting.
We’ve partnered with The Childcare Company who administer the course and whilst you are studying the HBCA course, you will receive an exclusive three months free PACEY membership, allowing you to take advantage of further training and resources.
Course details
The HBCA is an e-learning course completed online so you’ll need access to a computer, and some basic computer skills, to complete the course. It is designed to be flexible and to allow you to combine a qualification whilst balancing work commitments and family life. You can view your training on or offline on an Apple or Android handheld device (a phone or tablet), but you will need access to a PC or laptop in order to upload your written assignments to the e-learning platform.
Course Structure
The award is made up of two units with three work plans linked to the e-platform learning resources and webinars. All learners complete Unit 1 and then choose whether to do Unit 2 if aiming to be a childminder, or Unit 3 if aiming to become a nanny.
Unit 1:
Provides learners with the knowledge required to work with children in a home-based childcare setting. Areas covered are:
- Legislation and regulation
- Safeguarding and child protection
- Health and safety
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Day to day care routines for children
- Working in partnership
- Children’s learning and development
- Play
- The role of observation.
Unit 2 – for childminders:
Prepares learners to set up a home-based childcare business. Areas covered are:
- Leading and managing a setting
- Financial and taxation requirements
- Creating a business plan
- Registration requirements.
Unit 3 – for nannies:
Explores the role of the nanny. Areas covered are:
- Understanding partnership working for the nanny
- Expectations required in the role of the nanny
- Understanding the role of advisory, guidance and support services for the nanny
- How to plan steps to become a nanny.
Funding methods
This unique childminding qualification is self-funded only, but also really affordable for a CACHE accredited Level 3 award and will cover everything you need to become a home-based childminder or nanny. To enquire about enrolling, contact The Childcare Company by clicking here.
Home-based childcare training in Wales / Hyfforddiant gofal plant yn y cartref yng Nghymru
PACEY provides introductory training in home-based childcare for childcarers in Wales. There are two different packages of training available, one for those looking to register as a childminder in Wales and one for nannies and childminder assistants in Wales:
Nanny approval and childminder assistant training package comprises of Unit 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC).
Childminder pre-registration training package comprises of Unit 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC), and Unit 327 Preparing for childminder practice (PCP).
Before this course, if you are looking to register as a childminder, you need to attend a briefing session.
Accessing the training
The first thing to do is to attend a briefing session. These are available either through PACEY or through your local authority. Contact PACEY Cymru on 02920 351407 or email to find out more about your individual local authority’s position. Some local authorities will also fund you to complete the pre-registration training course and we can also give you information on funding available. Once these points have been confirmed we can guide you through the process of enrolling onto a course.
Course delivery
The training is delivered online so you will need access to a computer, and some computer skills, to complete the course. You can view your training on or offline on an Apple or Android handheld device (a phone or tablet), but you will need access to a PC or laptop in order to upload your written portfolio to the e-learning platform as Unit 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC) is assessed through a portfolio of work.
All learners will receive six months’ free PACEY learner membership. This includes access to resources through the members area on the PACEY website to support around completion of the course.
The course is designed to be flexible and to allow you to combine training whilst balancing work commitments and family life.
“On a practical level, everything I needed to know about running a childminding business was covered”
Timescale for completion
Nanny approval and childminder assistant training package comprises of Unit 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC).
Childminder pre-registration training package comprises of Unit 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC), and Unit 327 Preparing for childminder practice (PCP).
Unit 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC) will cover:
- Legislation, national policies, guidance and regulatory frameworks requirements for homebased childcare
- Working in partnership with families/carers in homebased childcare
- Health and well-being in homebased childcare
- Routines, changes and transitions in homebased childcare
- Holistic development of children in homebased childcare
- Welsh language and culture
- Professional practice in homebased childcare
Assessment will be by a portfolio of written evidence to be submitted to the e-learning platform.
Unit 327 Preparing for childminder practice (PCP) will cover:
- Registering as a childminder in Wales
- Professional practice in childminding
- Health and well-being in a childminding setting
- Effective business planning for a childminding service
Assessment will be by professional discussions based on a portfolio of work being completed to support registration as a childminder in Wales.
‘I thoroughly enjoyed completing this course. The information in regards to safeguarding was very interesting’ (learner, Wales)
Course content and costs
Nanny approval and childminder assistant training package comprises of Unit 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC).
Childminder pre-registration training package comprises of Unit 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC), and Unit 327 Preparing for childminder practice (PCP).
Unit 326 Introduction to home-based childcare (IHC) will cover:
- Legislation, national policies, guidance and regulatory frameworks requirements for homebased childcare
- Working in partnership with families/carers in homebased childcare
- Health and well-being in homebased childcare
- Routines, changes and transitions in homebased childcare
- Holistic development of children in homebased childcare
- Welsh language and culture
- Professional practice in homebased childcare
Assessment will be by a portfolio of written evidence to be submitted to the e-learning platform.
Unit 327 Preparing for childminder practice (PCP) will cover:
- Registering as a childminder in Wales
- Professional practice in childminding
- Health and well-being in a childminding setting
- Effective business planning for a childminding service
Assessment will be by professional discussions based on a portfolio of work being completed to support registration as a childminder in Wales.
‘I thoroughly enjoyed completing this course. The information in regards to safeguarding was very interesting’ (learner, Wales)
Nanny approval and childminder assistant training package
Online Learning £192 inc VAT
Childminder pre-registration training package
Online Learning £384 inc VAT
For further information please contact the PACEY Cymru office at or 02920 351 407.
For further information please contact the PACEY Cymru office at or call 02920 351 407
Mae PACEY yn cynnig hyfforddiant rhagarweiniol gofal plant yn y cartref ar gyfer gwarchodwyr plant yng Nghymru.
Mae dau becyn hyfforddiant gwahanol ar gael, un i’r rheini sy’n bwriadu cofrestru fel gwarchodwr plant yng Nghymru ac un ar gyfer nanis a chynorthwywyr gwarchodwyr plant yng Nghymru:
Pecyn hyfforddiant cymeradwyo nani a chynorthwyydd gwarchodwyr plant sy’n cynnwys Uned 326 Cyflwyniad i ofal plant yn y cartref (CGPC).
Pecyn hyfforddi cyn-gofrestru i warchodwyr plant sy’n cynnwys Uned 326 Cyflwyniad i ofal plant yn y cartref (CGPC) ac Uned 327 Paratoi ar gyfer ymarfer ym maes gwarchod plant (PGP).
Cyn y cwrs hwn, os ydych chi’n bwriadu cofrestru fel gwarchodwr plant, mae angen i chi fynychu sesiwn briffio.
Mynediad at hyfforddiant
Y peth cyntaf i’w wneud yw mynychu sesiwn briffio. Mae’r rhain ar gael naill ai trwy PACEY neu trwy’ch awdurdod lleol. Cysylltwch â PACEY Cymru ar 02920 351407 neu anfon e-bost at i gael gwybod mwy am sefyllfa eich awdurdod lleol unigol. Bydd rhai awdurdodau lleol hefyd yn eich ariannu chi i gwblhau’r cwrs hyfforddi cyn-gofrestru a gallwn hefyd roi gwybodaeth i chi am yr ariannu sydd ar gael. Unwaith y mae’r pwyntiau hyn wedi’u cadarnhau gallwn eich tywys chi trwy’r broses o gofrestru ar gwrs.
Cyflenwi’r cwrs
Cyflwynir yr hyfforddiant ar-lein. Bydd modd cael mynediad at gynnwys cwrs trwy e-ddysgu, felly byddwch chi angen mynediad at gyfrifiadur, ac sgiliau cyfrifiadurol sylfaenol, i gwblhau’r cwrs. Gallwch weld eich hyfforddiant ar neu all-lein ar ddyfais llaw Apple neu Android (ffôn neu tabled), ond bydd angen mynediad at gyfrifiadur neu liniadur er mwyn uwchlwytho’ch portffolio ysgrifenedig i’r platfform e-ddysgu gan fod Uned 326 Cyflwyniad i ofal plant yn y cartref (CGPC) yn cael ei asesu trwy bortffolio o waith.
Bydd yr holl ddysgwyr yn derbyn aelodaeth dysgwr PACEY am ddim am chwe mis. Mae hyn yn cynnwys mynediad at adnoddau trwy’r ardal aelodau ar Wefan PACEY i gefnogi cwblhau’r cwrs.
Mae’r cwrs wedi’i gynllunio i fod yn hyblyg ac i ganiatáu i chi gyfuno hyfforddiant wrth gydbwyso ymrwymiadau gwaith a bywyd teuluol.
“Ar lefel ymarferol, cyflawnwyd popeth yr oeddwn i angen ei wybod am redeg busnes gwarchod plant”
Graddfeydd amser ar gyfer cwblhau
Er mwyn rhoi digon o amser i chi ymgymryd â dysgu a datblygu a chwblhau’r tasgau asesu, bydd gennych fynediad at eich hyfforddiant, a chefnogaeth eich aseswr arbenigol, ynghyd ag aelodaeth dysgwr PACEY, am chwe mis o’r dyddiad prynu.
Cynnwys y cwrs a’r gost
Pecyn hyfforddiant cymeradwyo nani a chynorthwyydd gwarchodwyr plant sy’n cynnwys Uned 326 Cyflwyniad i ofal plant yn y cartref (CGPC).
Pecyn hyfforddi cyn-gofrestru i warchodwyr plant sy’n cynnwys Uned 326 Cyflwyniad i ofal plant yn y cartref (CGPC) ac Uned 327 Paratoi ar gyfer ymarfer ym maes gwarchod plant (PGP).
Bydd Uned 326 Cyflwyniad i ofal plant yn y cartref (IHC) yn ymdrin â:
- Gofynion deddfwriaeth, polisïau cenedlaethol, canllawiau a fframweithiau rheoleiddio ar gyfer gofal plant yn y cartref
- Gweithio mewn partneriaeth â theuluoedd/gofalwyr ym maes gofal plant yn y cartref
- Iechyd a llesiant ym maes gofal plant yn y cartref
- Arferion, newidiadau a chyfnodau trawsnewid ym maes gofal plant yn y cartref
- Datblygiad cyfannol plant mewn gofal plant yn y cartref
- Y Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru
- Ymarfer proffesiynol ym maes gofal plant yn y cartref
- Cofrestru fel gwarchodwr plant yng Nghymru
- Ymarfer proffesiynol ym maes gwarchod plant
- Iechyd a llesiant mewn lleoliad gwarchod plant
- Gwaith cynllunio busnes effeithiol ar gyfer gwasanaeth gwarchod plant
Bydd yr asesiad trwy drafodaeth broffesiynol ar sail portffolio o waith yn cael ei gwblhau i gefnogi cofrestru fel gwarchodwr plant yng Nghymru.
‘Fe wnes i fwynhau cwblhau’r cwrs hwn yn fawr iawn. Roedd y wybodaeth i wneud a diogelu yn ddiddorol iawn.’ (Dysgwr, Cymru)
Pecyn hyfforddiant cymeradwyo nani a chynorthwyydd gwarchodwyr plant
Dysgu Ar-lein £192 yn cynnwys TAW
Pecyn hyfforddi cyn-gofrestru i warchodwyr plant
Dysgu Ar-lein £384 yn cynnwys TAW
Am mwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â swyddfa PACEY Cymru ar neu 02920 351 407.
Am mwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â swyddfa PACEY Cymru ar neu 02920 351 407
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