Welsh Language Development / Datblygu’r Gymraeg


Around half a million people in Wales speak Welsh – almost 20% of the population. Most people living in Wales can speak English, making Wales a bilingual nation.

When we speak about Welsh language development in early years there are many things to consider. First of all the level of Welsh skills from the practitioner or carer’s point of view, secondly the access to Welsh language resources available to the setting. Is Welsh introduced to children? If yes, how often? Is the language heard and spoken throughout the day? Is it offered at an early age? Finally how is the language used by the children as a result?

Many practitioners who’ve grown up in Wales will have had some Welsh language taught to them during their schooling, however it’s commonly reported that many have not used their skills in their adult life and that they have little confidence in using Welsh as a result.

Happily, learning something yourself when working with children or even with your own family can be a very productive and a progressive method of learning. By learning alongside the children you will be giving them an opportunity to learn a second or sometimes third language; you will be learning Welsh yourself; and will have lots of opportunities to practise with the children you care for, perhaps with fewer of the inhibitions you may have when speaking to another adult. Most importantly you will be learning through activities and informal interaction which is likely to be in a more relaxed and enjoyable manner.

Why is Welsh so important?

We often hear how giving children the opportunity to learn Welsh at an early age provides them with an appetite for learning as adults, and as we know this in turn provides them with an additional tool for their working life. Welsh Government also has a vision of increasing the number of Welsh speakers to a million by 2050, and as part of this work are supporting a number of work programmes to ensure both adults and children have opportunities to learn Welsh and to be offered a truly bilingual community and country.

Some childcare settings may start with circle time where the Welsh language is used for discussions or song time, this is always a good place to start. However, the aim should be for the use of Welsh to become more fluid throughout the provision and introduced at all levels of service, as far as possible.

To enhance your current provision, think about what is working well and why. Do you have a Welsh support officer, member of staff or even a parent that could help with your vision to offer a more bilingual provision? Have you planned any training opportunities for yourself or any staff which you may have to further enhance their skills? Have you thought of visiting Welsh language events or local activities to further develop skills of both practitioners and the children which you care for?

This reflection can be part of your Quality of Care report, which you may find useful to support an action plan of increasing the use of Welsh within the setting which again will show that you are working towards Welsh Government and Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Active Offer.

What is the Active Offer?

The Active Offer is when a service is provided in Welsh without someone having to ask for it. It means providers naturally anticipate the needs of Welsh speakers and also promote Welsh culture as well as the language. They do not wait for a person to ask for a service in Welsh but incorporate and promote the belief that if you are a Welsh speaker, being able to use your own language must be seen as a core component of your care and not an optional extra.

During inspections, CIW will consider if a service demonstrates significant effort to promote Welsh language and culture and will report on whether they are providing or working towards the Active Offer.

Further information is available on the CIW website at: More than just words. If you would like support on your journey towards the Active Offer, get in touch with PACEY Cymru.

Supporting children’s Welsh language development

For some children the Welsh that you introduce could be their first experience of the language. To support their development, think about how you can provide opportunities through play, story, and structured activities, for children to acquire sufficient familiarity with Welsh. There are some links to good practice suggestions, along with resources and ideas to support you contained within this page.

There are many activities which can support the development of children’s familiarity with and skills in Welsh, for example incorporating Welsh rhymes and songs into your routines, sharing bilingual books, reading and listening to Welsh stories, sorting and naming activities, and incorporating Welsh within simple games and every day conversation. Creating a bilingual environment can also promote children’s familiarity with Welsh. Consider how you can add Welsh and bilingual books, songs, posters and displays, and incorporate Welsh resources within CD and DVD collections. There are many bilingual signs and displays to notice when out and about.

There is a strong recognition of the benefits of children learning through Welsh through a variety of experiences. The Welsh language can be used indoors as well as outdoors throughout the day.

Welsh Culture Pack

Settings can also support children in terms of their understanding of Welsh culture which is important in relation to the wellbeing and development of children living in Wales. PACEY Cymru’s Welsh culture pack is a resource to help settings extend opportunities to grow children’s knowledge and understanding of their surroundings, to help them explore their identity and let the children gain a sense of belonging to the country they live in.

Activity ideas and videos

Following requests from members of PACEY we have produced a series of short videos to support early years and childcare professionals with pronunciation of Welsh vocabulary based on agreed topics. You can view these on our Welsh language activity ideas page.

Using stories to promote Welsh culture

In Wales the old tradition of storytelling stretches back for hundreds of years and continues to play an important role in passing on knowledge and understanding of the culture and history of Wales. PACEY Cymru have teamed up with experienced early years teacher and storyteller, Cath Little to develop some resources to support you in using stories to promote Welsh Culture. Explore using stories to promote Welsh culture for ideas and resources to support you.

What have we heard from practitioners from their experience of learning and supporting children with their Welsh language skills?

In additional to ensuring that children within the setting are encouraged and supported in developing their Welsh language skills, childminder Julie has also taken steps to increase Welsh language opportunities within the wider community. As a result, Julie has established a bilingual weekly musical group for parents, carers and children at the local community hall. Open to members of the community, the provision is regularly attended by between 10 adults with 15 children and offers a fully bilingual service.

Julie says: “Learning Welsh has had a positive impact on my business. I have parents choose me for my Welsh language provision, although the children will attend English medium schools, simply to give their children a better start and in knowing they’ll study Welsh in school whichever one they go to. The best feeling is when children bring back their Welsh Speaker of the Week certificates from school – I know I’ve had a good part to get them to that level.”

Developing your Welsh language skills


A good place to start to work out your current level of Welsh language skill would be to complete the Gwiriwr toolkit.  This is a Welsh Level Checker (Gwiriwr) specifically designed to help the Childcare, Early Years and Playwork workforce to accurately identify their current level of Welsh language skills.

Camau – Welsh Language Learning for the Childcare, Early Years and Playwork Sector

A scheme to help workers in the childcare, early years and playwork sector to learn Welsh and improve their language skills is available.

The Camau scheme, devised by the National Centre for Learning Welsh, will enable practitioners in the sector to use more of the Welsh language with children in order to give them a good start on their journey towards becoming fluent Welsh speakers.

First steps. Give it a go!


It’s easier than ever to learn Welsh. Whether you want to learn online, attend an evening class or follow an intensive residential course, there’s something for you and we have pulled together information on learning Welsh as an adult that will be helpful to you.

Why not start with listening to some stories from Pori drwy stori or listen to Welsh rhymes using CDs from your local library or download them to your digital resources.

Select a few key words a week to learn, write them up and place around the setting as prompts, replace each one as you become familiar with a new word. Visit your local library Welsh rhyme time or carer and toddler sessions known locally as Cylchoedd Ti a Fi or Cymraeg i Blant sessions.

Don’t forget to visit local heritage landmarks and venues in order to provide an opportunity to hear the language and explore new vocabulary. Rhymes and songs can help to reinforce language development.

PACEY Cymru offer monthly 30 minute webinars for all members and childminders across Wales to support their Welsh language development. These short webinars will offer you vocabulary to use in your daily routine which are often based on themes which have been agreed in advance. You will also be given links to further resources following the webinar and have access to telephone and email support to help you progress further. The webinars are suitable for those with little or no Welsh language skills as well for those who wish to build on their confidence to use the language. To find out future dates and to book on to the next webinar please see our Webinars for Wales page.

PACEY Cymru is able to provide funded support for settings who are looking to register or expand to enable them to deliver bilingual or Welsh medium provision.

Cwlwm have also developed a Welsh promise journey especially for childcare and play settings.

Welsh language policy links

We’ve listed below some links to policy in Wales which relate to Welsh language development and delivery. Take time to have a read through and use to reflect on your practice.


To help you, especially if you’re not a Welsh speaker, to incorporate Welsh into your setting, we’ve listed below some useful links to support your practice and development.  This will also help you to evidence to others including parents, CIW and Estyn how you are supporting children’s Welsh Language Development.

Useful links

  • The S4C ‘Cyw’ website has a range of resources including online games that can support young children’s learning in settings and in the home.
  • The BBC website has a section on Welsh learning for primary school children with interactive games and resources useful for use in settings and the home.  There is also a section on BBC Bitesize to support development of second language Welsh linked to the Foundation Phase.
  • Hwb Learning Wales has a range of resources that can help you to introduce Welsh including activities, online stories and bilingual songs and rhymes to play and sing along to.
  • Cymraeg for kids Cymraeg for kids is a national scheme by the Welsh Government that supports parents to use the Welsh language with their children by choosing Welsh medium childcare and education. The scheme is managed by Mudiad Meithrin and they also have a Facebook page.
  • The Welsh Books Council is a national body, funded by the Welsh Government, which supports production and publication in both Welsh and English.
  • Helo Blod is a project to help businesses include Welsh in their business free of charge. They can offer up to 500 free words translated every month through their online service.
  • Mudiad Meithrin have created a Welsh language YouTube channel for young children and their families. The aim of the channel is to provide a platform for all families across Wales who either speak Welsh or are interested in learning Welsh, to access video content suitable for young children.

Further support

We hope this resource and the links provided have been informative, and that they have helped you to reflect on children’s wellbeing in the Foundation Phase. If you would like to discuss any aspect of this topic, or would like additional support or guidance, then please get in touch with PACEY Cymru on 02920 351407 or email paceycymru@pacey.org.uk.


Mae tua hanner miliwn o bobl yng Nghymru yn siarad Cymraeg – bron i 20% o’r boblogaeth. Gall y mwyafrif o bobl sy’n byw yng Nghymru siarad Saesneg, gan wneud Cymru yn genedl ddwyieithog.

Pan fyddwn yn siarad am ddatblygiad Cymraeg yn y blynyddoedd cynnar mae yna lawer o bethau i’w hystyried. Yn gyntaf oll lefel y sgiliau Cymraeg o safbwynt yr ymarferydd neu’r gofalwr, yn ail y mynediad at adnoddau Cymraeg sydd ar gael i’r lleoliad. A yw’r Gymraeg yn cael ei chyflwyno i blant? Os ydy, pa mor aml? Ydy’r iaith yn cael ei chlywed a’i siarad trwy gydol y dydd? A yw’n cael ei gynnig i blant ifanc? Yn olaf, sut mae’r iaith yn cael ei defnyddio gan y plant o ganlyniad?

Bydd llawer o ymarferwyr sydd wedi cael eu magu yng Nghymru wedi cael rhywfaint o Gymraeg yn cael eu dysgu iddynt yn ystod eu haddysg, ond adroddir yn gyffredin nad yw llawer wedi defnyddio eu sgiliau yn eu bywyd fel oedolyn ac nad oes ganddynt lawer o hyder i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg o ganlyniad.

Yn ffodus, gall dysgu rhywbeth eich hun wrth weithio gyda phlant neu hyd yn oed gyda’ch teulu eich hun fod yn ddull cynhyrchiol a blaengar iawn o ddysgu. Trwy ddysgu ochr yn ochr â’r plant byddwch yn rhoi cyfle iddynt ddysgu ail iaith neu drydedd iaith weithiau; byddwch chi’n dysgu Cymraeg eich hun; a bydd gennych lawer o gyfleoedd i ymarfer gyda’r plant rydych chi’n gofalu amdanynt, efallai gyda llai o’r gwaharddiadau a allai fod gennych wrth siarad ag oedolyn arall. Yn bwysicaf oll, byddwch chi’n dysgu trwy weithgareddau a rhyngweithio anffurfiol sy’n debygol o fod mewn dull mwy hamddenol a difyr.

Pam mae’r Gymraeg mor bwysig?

Rydym yn aml yn clywed sut mae rhoi cyfle i blant ddysgu Cymraeg yn ifanc yn rhoi awydd iddynt ddysgu fel oedolion, ac fel y gwyddom, mae hyn yn ei dro yn rhoi teclyn ychwanegol iddynt ar gyfer eu bywyd gwaith. Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru weledigaeth hefyd o gynyddu nifer y siaradwyr Cymraeg i filiwn erbyn 2050, ac fel rhan o’r gwaith hwn maent yn cefnogi nifer o raglenni gwaith i sicrhau bod oedolion a phlant yn cael cyfleoedd i ddysgu Cymraeg a chael cynnig cymuned a gwlad sy’n wirioneddol ddwyieithog.

Mae’n bosib y bydd rhai lleoliadau gofal plant yn dechrau gydag amser cylch lle mae’r Gymraeg yn cael ei defnyddio ar gyfer trafodaethau neu amser caneuon, mae hwn bob amser yn lle da i ddechrau. Fodd bynnag, dylai’r nod fod i’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg ddod yn fwy hylifol trwy gydol y ddarpariaeth a’i chyflwyno ar bob lefel o wasanaeth, cyn belled ag y bo modd.

Er mwyn gwella’ch darpariaeth bresennol, meddyliwch am yr hyn sy’n gweithio’n dda a pham. Oes gennych chi swyddog cymorth o Gymru, aelod o staff neu hyd yn oed riant a allai helpu gyda’ch gweledigaeth i gynnig darpariaeth fwy dwyieithog? A ydych chi wedi cynllunio unrhyw gyfleoedd hyfforddi i chi’ch hun neu unrhyw staff y gallai fod yn rhaid i chi wella eu sgiliau ymhellach? Ydych chi wedi meddwl am ymweld â digwyddiadau Cymraeg neu weithgareddau lleol i ddatblygu sgiliau ymarferwyr a’r plant rydych chi’n gofalu amdanynt ymhellach?

Gall yr adlewyrchiad hwn fod yn rhan o’ch adroddiad Ansawdd Gofal, a allai fod yn ddefnyddiol i chi i gefnogi cynllun gweithredu i gynyddu’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg yn y lleoliad a fydd eto’n dangos eich bod yn gweithio tuag at Gynnig Gweithredol Llywodraeth Cymru ac Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC).

Beth yw’r Cynnig Rhagweithiol?

Y Cynnig Rhagweithiol yw pan fod gwasanaeth yn cael ei ddarparu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg heb fod angen i rywun ofyn am hynny. Mae’n golygu bod darparwyr yn naturiol yn rhagweld anghenion siaradwyr Cymraeg a hefyd yn hyrwyddo diwylliant Cymreig yn ogystal â’r iaith. Nid ydynt yn aros i rywun ofyn am wasanaeth yn Gymraeg ond yn hytrach maent yn ymgorffori ac yn hyrwyddo’r gred bod yn rhaid ystyried y gallu i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg, os ydych yn siaradwr Cymraeg, fel elfen greiddiol o’ch gofal ac nid fel opsiwn ychwanegol.

Yn ystod arolygiadau, bydd AGC yn ystyried a yw gwasanaeth yn dangos ymdrech sylweddol i hyrwyddo’r Gymraeg a’i diwylliant a bydd yn adrodd a yw’n darparu’r Cynnig Rhagweithiol neu’n gweithio tuag ato.

Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael ar wefan AGC yn: Mwy na geiriau. Os hoffech gael cymorth ar eich taith tuag at y Cynnig Rhagweithiol, cysylltwch â PACEY Cymru.

Cefnogi datblygiad iaith Cymraeg plant

Gallai’r Gymraeg rydych yn ei chyflwyno fod yn brofiad cyntaf o’r iaith i rai plant. Er mwyn cefnogi eu datblygiad, ystyriwch sut y gallwch chi ddarparu cyfleoedd trwy chwarae, stori a gweithgareddau strwythuredig, i blant ddod yn ddigon cyfarwydd â’r Gymraeg. Mae yna rai cysylltiadau i gael awgrymiadau arfer da ar y dudalen hon, ynghyd ag adnoddau a syniadau i’ch cefnogi chi.

Mae yna lawer o weithgareddau sy’n gallu cefnogi datblygiad cynefindra plant â sgiliau Cymraeg, er enghraifft, cynnwys rhigymau a chaneuon Cymraeg yn eich arferion, rhannu llyfrau dwyieithog, darllen a gwrando ar straeon, trefnu ac enwi gweithgareddau, ac ymgorffori’r Gymraeg o fewn gemau a sgyrsiau syml bob dydd. Gall creu amgylchedd dwyieithog hefyd hyrwyddo cynefindra plant â’r Gymraeg. Ystyriwch sut y gallwch chi ychwanegu llyfrau, caneuon, posteri ac arddangosiadau Cymraeg a dwyieithog, ac ymgorffori adnoddau Cymraeg o fewn casgliadau CD a DVD. Mae yna lawer o arwyddion ac arddangosiadau dwyieithog i sylwi arnynt pan fyddwch allan.

Mae’r manteision y mae plant sy’n dysgu trwy’r Gymraeg yn derbyn cydnabyddiaeth gref trwy amrywiaeth o brofiadau. Gellir defnyddio’r iaith Gymraeg y tu fewn yn ogystal ag yn yr awyr agored a chynifer gwaith ag sydd angen trwy gydol y dydd.

Pecyn gwybodaeth diwylliant Cymru

Gall lleoliadau hefyd gefnogi plant o ran eu dealltwriaeth o ddiwylliant Cymru sy’n bwysig mewn perthynas â lles a datblygiad plant sy’n byw yng Nghymru. Mae Pecyn gwybodaeth diwylliant Cymru yn adnodd i helpu lleoliadau i ymestyn cyfleoedd i dyfu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth plant o’u hamgylchedd, i’w helpu i archwilio eu hunaniaeth a gadael i’r plant ennill ymdeimlad o berthyn i’r wlad y maent yn byw ynddi.

Syniadau gweithgareddau a fideos

Yn dilyn ceisiadau gan aelodau PACEY rydym wedi cynhyrchu cyfres o fideos byr i gefnogi gweithwyr proffesiynol y blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant i ynganu geirfa Gymraeg yn seiliedig ar bynciau y cytunwyd arnynt. Gallwch weld y rhain ar ein tudalen Syniadau gweithgaredd Cymraeg.

Defnyddio straeon i hyrwyddo diwylliant Cymru

Yng Nghymru mae’r hen draddodiad o adrodd straeon yn ymestyn yn ôl cannoedd o flynyddoedd ac yn parhau i chwarae rhan bwysig wrth drosglwyddo gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o ddiwylliant a hanes Cymru. Mae PACEY Cymru wedi cydweithio â’r athrawes blynyddoedd cynnar profiadol a storïwr, Cath Little i ddatblygu rhai adnoddau i’ch cefnogi chi i ddefnyddio straeon i hyrwyddo Diwylliant Cymru. Archwiliwch defnyddio straeon i hyrwyddo diwylliant Cymru i gael syniadau ac adnoddau i’ch cefnogi.

Beth ydym wedi’i glywed gan ymarferwyr o’u profiad o ddysgu a chefnogi plant â’u sgiliau Cymraeg?

Yn ogystal â sicrhau bod plant yn y lleoliad yn cael eu hannog a’u cefnogi i ddatblygu eu sgiliau Cymraeg, mae’r gwarchodwr plant Julie hefyd wedi cymryd camau i gynyddu cyfleoedd Cymraeg yn y gymuned ehangach. O ganlyniad, mae Julie wedi sefydlu grŵp cerddorol wythnosol dwyieithog ar gyfer rhieni, gofalwyr a phlant yn y neuadd gymunedol leol. Yn agored i aelodau’r gymuned, mae rhwng 10 oedolyn â 15 o blant yn mynychu’r ddarpariaeth yn rheolaidd ac mae’n cynnig gwasanaeth cwbl ddwyieithog.

Dywed Julie: “Mae dysgu Cymraeg wedi cael effaith gadarnhaol ar fy musnes. Mae gen i rieni a wnaeth fy newis oherwydd fy ngwasanaeth drwy’r Gymraeg, er y bydd y plant yn mynychu ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg, yn syml i roi gwell cychwyn i’w plant ac wrth wybod y byddant yn astudio’r Gymraeg yn yr ysgol, p’un bynnag y maen nhw’n mynd iddo. Y teimlad orau yw, pan fydd plant yn dod â’u tystysgrif Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos o’r ysgol, yna, rwy’n gwybod fy mod wedi cyfrannu’n dda i’w cael i’r lefel honno “

Datblygu eich sgiliau iaith Gymraeg


Lle da i ddechrau nodi eich lefel presennol o sgil Cymraeg fyddai cwblhau’r pecyn cymorth Gwiriwr. Gwiriwr Lefel Cymraeg (Gwiriwr) yw hwn sydd wedi’i gynllunio’n benodol i helpu’r gweithlu Gofal Plant, Blynyddoedd Cynnar a Gwaith Chwarae i nodi eu lefel presennol o sgiliau iaith Cymraeg yn gywir.

Camau – Dysgu Cymraeg ar gyfer y Sector Gofal Plant, Blynyddoedd Cynnar a Gwaith Chwarae

Mae cynllun ar gael i helpu gweithwyr yn y sector gofal plant, blynyddoedd cynnar a gwaith chwarae i ddysgu Cymraeg a gwella eu sgiliau iaith ar gael.

Bydd cynllun Camau, a ddyfeisiwyd gan y Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Dysgu Cymraeg, yn galluogi ymarferwyr yn y sector i ddefnyddio mwy o’r Gymraeg gyda phlant er mwyn rhoi cychwyn da iddynt ar eu taith tuag at ddod yn siaradwyr Cymraeg rhugl.

Camau cyntaf. Rhowch gynnig arni!

Mae’n haws nag erioed dysgu Cymraeg. P’un a ydych chi eisiau dysgu ar-lein, mynychu dosbarth nos neu ddilyn cwrs preswyl dwys, mae rhywbeth i chi ac rydyn ni wedi casglu gwybodaeth am ddysgu Cymraeg fel oedolyn a fydd o gymorth i chi.

Yn dilyn ceisiadau gan aelodau PACEY rydym wedi cynhyrchu cyfres o fideos byr (ac adnoddau cysylltiedig) i gefnogi gweithwyr proffesiynol blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant i ynganu geirfa Gymraeg, yn seiliedig ar bynciau y cytunwyd arnynt .Gweler fideos cymorth Cymraeg a syniadau gweithgareddau Cymraeg yma.

Beth am ddechrau gyda gwrando ar rai straeon o Pori drwy stori neu wrando ar rigymau Cymru gan ddefnyddio disgiau cryno o’ch llyfrgell leol neu eu lawrlwytho i’ch adnoddau digidol.

Dewiswch ychydig o eiriau allweddol yr wythnos i’w dysgu, eu hysgrifennu a’u gosod o amgylch y lleoliad fel ysgogiadau, disodli pob un wrth i chi ddod yn gyfarwydd â gair newydd. Ewch i amser odli Cymraeg neu sesiynau gofalwyr a phlant bach eich llyfrgell leol a elwir yn lleol fel sesiynau Cylchoedd Ti a Fi neu sesiynau Cymraeg i Blant.

Peidiwch ag anghofio ymweld â thirnodau a lleoliadau treftadaeth leol er mwyn rhoi cyfle i glywed yr iaith ac archwilio geirfa newydd. Gall rhigymau a chaneuon helpu i atgyfnerthu datblygiad iaith. “Mae canu hefyd yn ffordd dda i blant ymarfer synau ac ynganiad iaith newydd. Mae gallu canu fel grŵp yn rhoi diogelwch iddyn nhw – mae’n gymaint haws canu mewn torf nag yn unigol.” Datblygiad yr Iaith Gymraeg, t34, Llywodraeth Cymru (2008).

Mae PACEY Cymru yn cynnig gweminarau misol 30 munud ar gyfer yr holl aelodau a gwarchodwyr plant ledled Cymru i gefnogi eu datblygiad Cymraeg. Bydd y gweminarau byr hyn yn cynnig geirfa i chi ei defnyddio yn eich trefn ddyddiol sydd yn aml yn seiliedig ar themâu y cytunwyd arnynt ymlaen llaw. Byddwch hefyd yn cael dolenni i adnoddau pellach yn dilyn y weminar ac yn gallu cyrchu cymorth ffôn ac e-bost i’ch helpu i symud ymlaen ymhellach. Mae’r gweminarau yn addas ar gyfer y rhai sydd ag ychydig neu ddim sgiliau Cymraeg hefyd ar gyfer y rhai sy’n dymuno datblygu eu hyder i ddefnyddio’r iaith. I ddarganfod dyddiadau’r dyfodol ac i archebu lle ar y weminar nesaf gweler ein tudalen Gweminar i Gymru.

Mae PACEY Cymru yn gallu darparu cymorth i leoliadau sy’n dymuno cofrestru neu ehangu i’w galluogi i gyflwyno darpariaeth ddwyieithog neu gyfrwng Cymraeg.

Mae Cwlwm wedi datblygu taith Addewid Cymraeg yn arbennig ar gyfer lleoliadau gofal plant a chwarae.

Dolenni polisïau Cymru

Rydym wedi rhestru isod rai dolenni i bolisi yng Nghymru sy’n ymwneud â datblygu a darparu Cymraeg. Cymerwch amser i ddarllen drwyddo a’i ddefnyddio i fyfyrio ar eich ymarfer.


Er mwyn eich helpu chi, yn enwedig os nad ydych chi’n siaradwr Cymraeg, i ymgorffori’r Gymraeg yn eich lleoliad, rydyn ni wedi rhestru isod rai dolenni defnyddiol i gefnogi’ch ymarfer a’ch datblygiad.  Bydd hyn hefyd yn eich helpu i ddangos i rieni, AGC ac Estyn (os ydych chi’n darparu sesiynau Cyfnod Sylfaen sydd wedi’u hariannu) sut rydych chi’n cefnogi Datblygiad Iaith Cymraeg plant.

Dolenni defnyddiol

  • Mae gan wefan ‘Cyw’ S4C ystod o adnoddau gan gynnwys gemau ar-lein a all gefnogi dysgu plant ifanc mewn lleoliadau ac yn y cartref.
  • Mae gan wefan BBC adran ar ddysgu Cymraeg ar gyfer plant ysgolion cynradd gyda gemau ac adnoddau rhyngweithiol sy’n ddefnyddiol i’w defnyddio mewn lleoliadau a’r cartref.  Mae yna hefyd adran ar BBC Bitesize i gefnogi datblygiad Cymraeg ail iaith sy’n gysylltiedig â’r Cyfnod Sylfaen.
  • Mae gan Hwb Dysgu Cymru ystod o adnoddau a all eich helpu i gyflwyno Cymraeg gan gynnwys gweithgareddau, straeon ar-lein a chaneuon a rhigymau dwyieithog i chwarae a chanu gyda nhw.
  • Cymraeg i blant Mae Cymraeg i blant yn gynllun cenedlaethol gan Lywodraeth Cymru sy’n cefnogi rhieni i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg gyda’u plant trwy ddewis gofal plant ac addysg Gymraeg. Rheolir y cynllun gan Mudiad Meithrin ac mae ganddyn nhw dudalen Facebook hefyd.
  • Mae Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru yn gorff cenedlaethol, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, sy’n cefnogi cynhyrchu a chyhoeddi yn Gymraeg a Saesneg.
  • Helo Blod sydd yn brosiect i helpu busnesau i gynnwys y Gymraeg yn eu busnes yn rhad ac am ddim.
  • Mae Mudiad Meithrin wedi creu sianel YouTube Gymraeg ar gyfer plant ifanc a’u teuluoedd. Nod y sianel yw rhoi llwyfan i bob teulu ledled Cymru sydd naill ai’n siarad Cymraeg neu sydd â diddordeb mewn dysgu Cymraeg, i gael mynediad at gynnwys fideo sy’n addas i blant ifanc.

Gwybodaeth bellach

Gobeithiwn y bydd yr adnodd hwn a’r cysylltiadau a ddarparwyd wedi bod yn addysgiadol, a’u bod wedi’ch helpu chi i fyfyrio ar les plant yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen. Os hoffech drafod unrhyw agwedd ar y pwnc hwn, neu os hoffech gael cymorth neu arweiniad pellach, cysylltwch â PACEY Cymru ar 02920 351407 neu drwy e-bost paceycymru@pacey.org.uk

Case study: Fixing and learning

Emma Prydden runs Emma’s Childminding in Wrexham, and has a background in manufacturing and engineering. “We love anything that we can tinker with, from stripping down old electrical equipment to see how it looks inside, to fixing bikes on the drive – changing tyres, putting chains back on, carrying out basic maintenance and checking that they are safe to use,” she says. Emma encourages children of all ages to use trial and error and real tools to fix bikes, supervising from a distance with lots of suggestions. “One little boy loved arranging the spanners in size order and was thrilled when he worked out he could use the 13mm spanner to adjust the bike seat.”

Case study: Simple activities

Victoria Johns runs Little Bear Childminding in Welsh village Dafen, incorporating into her setting activities such as baking soda volcanoes, simple building activities with playdough and lollipop sticks, using different materials with magnets, looking at nature items on a light box, and testing what will melt ice the fastest.

In particular, STEM activities have benefits for children with autism and ADHD, Victoria says, offering sensory experiences, language development, mastering fine and gross motor skills, helping them grow in confidence and 16 understand their own bodies. She adds: “I have seen children with ALN stay focused and engaged in STEM activities for long periods. The children learn resilience and patience, and we work in a group to reach a collective goal.”

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