Tuesday 11 March 2025 | 7pm | Zoom
We will first hear directly from Ofsted about their proposed plans for inspecting early years settings. Then, in the second part of the webinar you will have the opportunity to share your views about the proposed changes with PACEY – importantly, helping us inform our response to the consultation.
Before the webinar, it would be useful if you familiarised yourself with the consultation aims and supporting documents.
About the consultation
Ofsted want to know what you think about their proposed plans for inspecting early years.
In summary, they propose:
- Report cards – these would give parents and carers more detailed information than the current reports, including a new 5-point grading scale to evaluate more areas of a provider’s work and short summaries of what inspectors found.
- Education inspection toolkits – this tool shows providers and inspectors the evaluation areas that Ofsted will focus inspections on and how they’ll assess and grade providers.
- Inspection methodology – changes to how they carry out inspection.
Supporting documents
Responding to the consultation.
PACEY will be submitting our response to the consultation informed by the views of our members. It’s important that Ofsted receives feedback from as many childcare and early years professionals as possible to ensure that a range of views are represented. We encourage you to respond to the consultation individually if you wish.