Bite-sized early years training
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- Training from PACEY
CEY smart is PACEY’s online training, offering short, 10-20 minute courses that can be done on any device, at any time. It also provides practical help and expert advice to practitioners working throughout England and Wales with suitable courses for those who work alone or as part of a team.

"I love being able to sit and do a course at home at a time that suits me best. Great courses which help to keep me right up to date with changes and even learning new things still after 28 years. I think CEY smart is great and there is always something new to look at."
Lorraine, Childminder
Over 45 courses with 9 exciting themes
As a PACEY member, you get full access to over 45 courses within our nine exciting themes, helping early years practitioners to power their practice. Each course links theory and practice together in an accessible and meaningful way.
You, me and us
The communication station
The numbers game
Fit and healthy
Let’s get creative
The big wide world
Partnership working
The business end
Within our nine themes, we cover a range of topics to support you and your practice. For example, our ‘Transitions’ theme is all about supporting children and their parents through the hellos and goodbyes, and some other challenges we all face when things change. In our ‘Partnership working’ theme, we explore the important relationships with parents, families, fellow practitioners and other professionals. We also know physical development is really important. Our theme, ‘Fit and healthy’ covers a range of topics to help you ensure the children you care for are fit, healthy and safe.
Want to trial some CEY smart courses?
If you are not a PACEY member just yet but would like to explore CEY smart a bit more, you are able to trial CEY smart for free with these sample courses.
For those practicing in England
Inspection and You - Education Inspection Framework Jargon Busting
An overview of what some of the vocabulary and terminology used in the Education Inspection Framework means in practice. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 10 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
An introduction to speech, language and communication (SLC) in the early years
Children supported in language rich environments reap the benefits for life and early childhood language development is dependent on interactions with caregivers from birth. As practitioners it is important that we understand what speech, language and communication skills are, why they are important, and how to support their development. This course has been developed in association with Speech and Language UK. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 15 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
An introduction to mathematical development in the early years
Mathematics are a hugely important part of everyday life for everyone. We need to support children to develop their mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills, while also cultivating a positive attitude towards these. As practitioners it is important that we are able to plan for and provide relevant mathematical experiences for the children in our setting. In this course we’ll begin to look at how you might do this. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 15 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
An introduction to financial education in the early years
Financial education is about ensuring people have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours to manage and control their money, so they can make the most of it. It is important as practitioners that we support children to begin to develop the skills that will form the foundation of good money management. Explore this here. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 15 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
Introducing mathematical development and the natural world
Exploring nature is a great way for children to learn about maths and numeracy in a hands on, experiential way. Playing and learning in natural spaces provides a range of resources and loose parts to support mathematical understanding, along with the benefits of being close to nature. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 20 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
An introduction to creativity and the arts in the early years
Creativity is an essential part of every child’s growth and development, and equips them with the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and artistic skills they can use in every area of life. As an early years practitioner, it is important to spot and nurture children’s creative and artistic skills so that they can reach their full potential. Explore this here. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 20 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
For those practicing in Wales
Food and drink / Bwyd a diod
The National Minimum Standards requires that if children receive meals and/or snacks, they are safely prepared, nutritionally balanced, of good quality and appropriate in quantity. What IS good nutrition, and how do you ensure you serve the correct portion sizes? We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 10 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
Mae’r safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol yn gofyn, os yw’r plant yn derbyn prydau a/neu fyrbrydau, eu bod yn cael eu paratoi mewn ffordd ddiogel, sy’n gytbwys o ran maeth, o ansawdd da ac yn briodol o ran maint. Beth yw maeth da, a sut ydych yn sicrhau eich bod yn cyflwyno maint dogn cywir?. Rydym ni’n amcangyfrif y bydd adnoddau’r cwrs hwn yn cymryd oddeutu 10 munud i ddarllen drwyddyn nhw, er efallai y byddwch chi am dreulio rhagor o amser yn adfyfyrio ar y cynnwys neu’n mynd yn ôl ato.
Access the course / Dechrau’r cwrs
Using songs and rhymes to support Welsh Language Development / Defnyddio canu a rhigymau I gefnogi datblygiad y Gymraeg
Songs and rhymes are a really effective way to support children’s language development, and can help you to nurture the Welsh language in your practice. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 10 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
Mae caneuon a rhigymau yn ffordd effeithiol iawn o gefnogi datblygiad iaith plant, a gallwch chi helpu i feithrin y Gymraeg yn eich ymarfer chi. Rydym ni’n amcangyfrif y bydd adnoddau’r cwrs hwn yn cymryd oddeutu 10 munud i ddarllen drwyddyn nhw, er efallai y byddwch chi am dreulio rhagor o amser yn adfyfyrio ar y cynnwys neu’n mynd yn ôl ato.
An introduction to creativity and the arts in the early years / Cyflwyniad i leferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu (SLC) yn y blynyddoedd cynnar
Creativity is an essential part of every child’s growth and development, and equips them with the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and artistic skills they can use in every area of life. As an early years practitioner, it is important to spot and nurture children’s creative and artistic skills so that they can reach their full potential. Explore this here. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 20 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
Mae creadigrwydd yn rhan hanfodol o dwf a datblygiad pob plentyn, ac mae’n rhoi’r sgiliau corfforol, cymdeithasol, emosiynol, gwybyddol ac artistig y gallant eu defnyddio ym mhob maes o fywyd. Fel ymarferwr blynyddoedd cynnar, mae’n bwysig cydnabod bod pawb yn cael eu geni gyda’r potensial i fod yn greadigol, a datblygu amgylchedd lle gall yr holl blant yn eich gofal fynegi eu hunain ac archwilio’r potensial hwnnw’n llawn. Dysgu rhagor yma.
Access the course / Dechrau’r cwrs
An introduction to speech, language and communication (SLC) in the early years / Cyflwyniad i leferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu (SLC) yn y blynyddoedd cynnar
Children supported in language rich environments reap the benefits for life and early childhood language development is dependent on interactions with caregivers from birth. As practitioners it is important that we understand what speech, language and communication skills are, why they are important, and how to support their development. This course has been developed in association with Speech and Language UK. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 15 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
Mae plant a gefnogir mewn amgylcheddau iaith-gyfoethog yn elwa ar hyd eu bywydau ac mae datblygiad iaith plentyndod cynnar yn dibynnu ar ryngweithio â gofalwyr o’u genedigaeth. Mae sgiliau iaith cynnar yn bwysig oherwydd mae ymchwil yn awgrymu y gallant gefnogi’r pontio i ddysgu mwy ffurfiol, a gwneud ffrindiau, pan fydd plant yn dechrau’r ysgol. Fel ymarferwyr mae’n bwysig i ni ddeall beth yw sgiliau lleferydd, iaith a chyfathrebu, pam eu bod yn bwysig, a sut i gefnogi eu datblygiad. Datblygwyd y cwrs hwn ar y cyd ag I Can, yr elusen cyfathrebu plant.
Focus on the curriculum for Wales: The four purposes / Sylw ar y cwricwlwm i Gymru: Y pedwar diben
The four purposes are at the heart of the curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings, which has been developed to ensure that children in the early years have the best possible start on their learning journey. Explore these here. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 15 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
Mae’r pedwar diben wrth wraidd y cwricwlwm ar gyfer lleoliadau meithrin a ariennir nas cynhelir, sydd wedi ei ddatblygu i sicrhau bod gan blant yn y blynyddoedd cynnar y dechrau gorau posibl ar eu taith ddysgu. Archwiliwch y rhain yma. Rydym yn amcangyfrif y bydd adnoddau’r cwrs hwn yn cymryd oddeutu 15 munud i’w darllen, er efallai y byddwch chi am dreulio rhagor o amser yn adfyfyrio ar y cynnwys neu’n mynd yn ôl ato.
Access the course / Dechrau’r cwrs
Introducing the Wales Safeguarding Procedures/ Cyflwyno Gweithdrefnau Diogelu Cymru
An overview of the new national safeguarding procedures in Wales. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 15 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
Trosolwg o weithdrefnau diogelu cenedlaethol newydd Cymru. Rydym yn amcangyfrif y bydd adnoddau’r cwrs hwn yn cymryd oddeutu 15 munud i’w darllen, er efallai y byddwch chi am dreulio rhagor o amser yn adfyfyrio ar y cynnwys neu’n mynd yn ôl ato.
An introduction to financial education in the early years/ Cyflwyniad i addysg ariannol yn y blynyddoedd cynnar
Financial education is about ensuring people have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours to manage and control their money, so they can make the most of it. It is important as practitioners that we support children to begin to develop the skills that will form the foundation of good money management. Explore this here. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 15 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
Mae addysg ariannol yn ymwneud â sicrhau bod gan bobl y wybodaeth, y sgiliau, yr agweddau a’r ymddygiadau i reoli eu harian, fel y gallant wneud y gorau ohono. Nod addysg ariannol yw creu pobl ifanc alluog yn ariannol sy’n gallu gwneud penderfyniadau ariannol gwybodus, hyderus a chadarnhaol drwy gydol eu hoes. Mae’n bwysig fel ymarferwyr ein bod yn cefnogi plant i ddechrau datblygu’r sgiliau a fydd yn sail i reoli arian yn dda. Archwiliwch hyn yma. Datblygwyd y cwrs hwn ar y cyd â The Money Charity.
Access the course / Dechrau’r cwrs
Introducing mathematical development and the natural world / Cyflwyno datblygiad mathemategol a'r byd naturiol
Exploring nature is a great way for children to learn about maths and numeracy in a hands on, experiential way. Enjoy our tips to get out into nature for a maths adventure. We estimate that the resources in this course will take approximately 20 minutes to read through, although you may wish to spend further time reflecting on or revisiting the content.
Mae archwilio natur yn ffordd wych i blant ddysgu am fathemateg a rhifedd mewn ffordd ymarferol, drwy brofiad. Mwynhewch ein awgrymiadau i’ch annog i fynd allan i fyd natur ar gyfer antur mathemateg. Rydym ni’n amcangyfrif y bydd adnoddau’r cwrs hwn yn cymryd oddeutu 20 munud i ddarllen drwyddyn nhw, er efallai y byddwch chi am dreulio rhagor o amser yn adfyfyrio ar y cynnwys neu’n mynd yn ôl ato.
"The content was useful and I have learnt new ideas to help the children and to reinforce what I do already. I also like the ideas linked to #DoOneThing as they are simple but inspiring."
Nicola, Childminder
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CEY smart is exclusive to PACEY members. Become a PACEY member today to explore 45 courses to support your learning journey.
For childminding assistants and nursery workers
For registered childminders, and nannies
For nursery managers/ owners and their staff
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