Regional networking morning: Leeds

"Fantastic speakers, very interesting morning. A lot of information to take home and use. Thank you."


We hosted a Regional networking morning in the centre of Leeds aimed at bringing people from the early years sector together, with talks and support on key topics including SEND, Safeguarding and the EYFS as well as sharing some insightful experiences from childcare practitioners.

This event was open to both PACEY members and non-members, Childminders, Childminding Assistants, Nursery Managers, Nursery Workers, Nannies, Students, Teachers and other early years professionals.


Saturday 16 March / 9.15am-12.30pm / The Queens Hotel, New Station Street City Square, Leeds LS1 1PJ



Alongside the celebration of achievements, you will hear from inspiring guest speakers including Frances Rees from Autism Cymru talking on the subject of neuro-diversity and Professor Ben Ambridge talking about his top ten evidence-based tips for boosting children’s language development.


Supporting children with additional needs

PACEY Advisor and Parent Carer Lead for the Virtual Autism Hub in Lincolnshire Zara Smith explores the requirements of the SEND Code of practice, the importance of early identification, how early years practitioners should use the graduated approach, and consider the evidence that needs to be submitted when requesting and an Education Health and Care plan needs assessment

Domestic abuse and the impact on children

Jasvinder Sanghera CBE will be discussing her work during her time as Independent Chair of Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership and one of their priorities: Children and Young People Experiencing Domestic Abuse.

Early years fireside chat

Belinda O’Hare a Childminder with more than 30 years experience and Debbie Burke, Owner of Children’s Place Day Nurseries, join PACEY’s Angela Gamble to discuss the highs and lows of running a childcare business and share their experiences with us.

Ofsted update

Ofsted’s Wendy Ratcliff (Inspectors and Principal Officer for Early Education Policy), Jayne Coward (Deputy Director for EY regulatory policy and practice), and Stephanie Nixon (North East, Yorkshire and Humber, EY (Senior His Majesty’s Inspector)), will give an update on the publication ‘Best start in life’ and Ofsted’s current work.

"Informative speakers, especially Jasvinder Sanghera. Great to have a forum to voice opinions and meet other professionals"


"Really great morning. Wish they were more frequent, especially in the north. Very informative"



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