Ofsted launches consultation into inspection changes

Today (3 February) Ofsted has launched a consultation on a new approach to inspection and reporting on education providers, including early years providers. Major reforms were promised in response to last year’s Big Listen consultation which asked thousands of parents and educational professionals what improvements they would like to see from Ofsted. 

Proposals for a new inspection model include: 

  • Introducing new report cards to give parents a broader picture across different areas of practice.  
  • Removing the ‘single word’ overall effectiveness grade and introducing a new 5-point grading scale across different areas. This scale ranges from ‘causing concern’ at the lowest end, through ‘attention needed’, ‘secure’, ‘strong’, and ‘exemplary’ at the highest end.  
  • A new focus on inclusion and vulnerability and support for disadvantaged children and learners, including those with SEND. 
  • Inspections will take into account providers’ individual circumstance and local context.  
  • Inspectors will use new education inspection toolkits to tailor inspections based on different types of providers  

Sharing your views 

Please visit the consultation website to read Ofsted’s proposals in full. PACEY will be engaging with members to ensure that your views on the new proposals are heard. Look out for more information on this soon.  

Consultation closes at 11:59pm on 28 April 2025. 

Helen Donohoe, PACEY Chief Executive comments: 

“Inspections play a crucial role in maintaining high quality and consistency across the sector and we welcome Ofsted’s commitment to making its approach work better for providers, parents and children. It is essential that inspections provide a positive and constructive experience – one that drives improvement and builds confidence among providers rather than adding unnecessary stress and pressure.  

“We encourage all types of early years providers, including registered childminders, to engage in this important discussion. We will continue working with PACEY members to ensure that their voices are heard and their vital role in the sector is represented.” 


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