In this case study we speak to Shelley Rees, Service Manager for PACEY Cymru on the importance of observation and the part it plays in supporting babies and young children’s development. We also include feedback from practitioners who’ve spoken to PACEY Cymru about observing children as they embed Curriculum for Wales into their practice.
Babies and young children will have a strong internal need to explore and play. They are born curious about the world around them.
As childcare and early years professionals we understand that play is a fundamental right for all children, and we need to support this by offering engaging experiences and effective environments for play. Â Noticing and tuning in to these to support progress and next steps is a key part of the role of childcare and early years professionals.
Why is it important to observe children?
Observing children in their play is paramount to understanding the child’s needs, behaviours, preferences, well-being and interests. This does not have to be through formal, planned observation but can happen ‘in the moment’.
Enabling adults who keep the developmental needs of children at the forefront of their practice while ensuring that their differences are respected, supported, and valued, will have a much better understanding of the children in their care. It will provide the best conditions for their development and progress.
Planning in the moment practice needs to be child centred, keeping the child at the heart of all decisions about what type of play and experiences are offered and nurtured, considering their interests and preferences. This can often include the child in the decision making to support their learning and understanding.
Effective observation enables us as practitioners to:
- get to know each child
- build a holistic picture of each child
- gain a greater understanding of the needs, interests, behaviours, skills and progress of individuals and groups of children
- understand how observation supports assessment
- plan future learning experiences and the environment
- seek further advice or signpost families to other sources of support.
‘We’re observing children all the time organically. After childminding for many years, you just know what makes the children tick and the next steps you need to take’ Childminder, Wales
What is our responsibility in terms of observing children?
The National Minimum Standards for regulated childcare Standard 7.9 states that ‘what children do is observed and recorded to help plan the next steps for the children’s play, learning and development’. It also states in Standard 7.10 that ‘there is clear planning of babies’ activities.’  Therefore, our duty of care requires us to provide play opportunities and activities to promote emotional, physical, social, creative, linguistic and intellectual development.
‘We had a child struggling with speech and through observations and next steps and not hitting development targets we were able to evidence and seek help from a speech therapist who then gave us tips. By the time the child was in full time education their speech had improved.’ Childminder, Wales
Curriculum for Wales states that, as childcare and early years professionals we should use observation and our knowledge of child development to plan learning experiences that support and challenge the children we care for, which will in turn help them towards the four purposes to become:
- ambitious, capable learners
- enterprising, creative contributors
- ethical, informed citizens
- healthy, confident individuals
How can we support the progress and development of children in our care?
As an enabling adult you have an essential role in creating and sustaining relationships and an environment where care, trust, and a love for learning can thrive. We need to model a joyful approach to learning, and:
- support children in their exploration of the world around them.
- model kindness, and positive, secure relationships.
- help young children to regulate their emotions and behaviours through empathy and understanding.
Curriculum for Wales has brought a new approach to planning which is child centred and recognises the importance of the knowledge of the enabling adult in providing experiences to supporting learning and development. The move away from the outcome or product driven approach has been well received and has made childcare and early years professionals much more efficient and responsive in their planning.
By standing back, observing, and then intervening and supporting appropriately, the adult can enhance the child’s learning through sustained shared thinking. This is where they explore ideas and concepts together, and there’s a flow to the interaction whether verbal or non-verbal. Meaningful exchange and extended thinking occur through discussions or physical communication which builds on current understanding and provides further opportunities aligned with developing at their own pace and following their interests.
‘Observing children is listening, observing and watching without putting an agenda on to it. Seeing what they are actually doing without trying to analyse it at the time but taking or noting a ‘snapshot’ and reflecting on this later’ PACEY member, Wales
What types of observations can we use?
There are many types of observations. We can start by thinking of our role, whether that’s as a:
Participant, which means we’re playing whilst also observing.
Or as the observant, when we’re watching on, this can mean standing close to the play, or further away.
Our observations can be:
Incidental, when we notice something that is significant to record as we’re going about our everyday play.
Or planned, when we’ve scheduled or created something to gauge the child’s reaction, development or progress.
We should ensure we observe children, the effective environment, as well as the engaging experiences being offered. It helps to record how children interact; their choices and the impact others have on them and their levels of engagement.
‘We record our observations through sticky notes, notebooks and scrap books which are updated every 6 weeks. We add photos, write up what we have been working on, identify next steps, and then send them home to parents to comment and add to and offer suggestions of what they would like me to work on next.’  Childminder, Wales
Here are some examples of the types of observations that you may want to consider:
- Magic moments are brief observations in a specific moment, that captures an exceptional or unusual event.
- Time samples are observations that capture a child in a snapshot of time. These can be repeated to capture a series of time samples.
- Learning stories are as they say, a record over a period of time.
- Sociograms are observations based on the social groups that children play in. This could include who the child plays with, what they’re interested in together, the length of time spent playing and any roles the children may take in their play.
- Tracking choices are observations based on what choices the child makes, this can include playing alone or with/alongside others, it may even relate to what items they explore and engage with.
- Tracking the use of the environments are observations based on what children do in the environment. Do they prefer to be indoors or outdoors? How do they use the environment, do they adapt what’s set out? What length of time do they play? Is there a space they don’t use?
- Narratives are usually longer observations that the main carer will carry out and will often include many of those observations noted previously. These can include input from parents and partners and are often at scheduled times.
To learn more about the types of observations go to the Hwb: Observation training module which has been commissioned by the Welsh Government and is part of a suite of modules designed to assist practitioners to reflect on practice and provision.
What is your top tip when it comes to observing children?
My one thing to consider when observing children is to actively listen as they play. Active listening is a skill that is broader than listening alone and involves recognising a child’s body language or facial expressions to help understand and support an emotional connection with the child. By doing this we get a much better understanding of the child as a whole and it demonstrates our respect which reinforces stronger and deeper attachments and relationships.
Even non-verbal children will let you know through sounds, noise, cues and gestures, how they’re feeling, their enjoyment, their awe, wonder and of any needs.
Remember to enjoy the interaction, engagement and conversations and share in their joy and achievements.
Yn yr astudiaeth achos hon rydym yn siarad â Shelley Rees, Rheolwr Gwasanaeth PACEY Cymru ar bwysigrwydd arsylwi a’r rhan y mae’n ei chwarae wrth gefnogi datblygiad babanod a phlant ifanc. Rydym hefyd yn cynnwys adborth gan ymarferwyr sydd wedi siarad â PACEY Cymru am arsylwi plant wrth iddynt ymgorffori Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn eu hymarfer.
Mae gan fabanod a phlant ifanc angen mewnol cryf i archwilio a chwarae. Maent yn cael eu geni yn chwilfrydig am y byd o’u cwmpas.
Fel gweithwyr gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar proffesiynol rydym yn deall bod chwarae yn hawl sylfaenol i bob plentyn, ac mae angen i ni gefnogi hyn drwy gynnig profiadau difyr ac amgylcheddau effeithiol ar gyfer chwarae. Mae sylwi ar y rhain a thiwnio i mewn iddynt i gefnogi cynnydd a’r camau nesaf yn rhan allweddol o rôl gweithwyr proffesiynol gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar.
Pam ei bod yn bwysig arsylwi plant?
Mae arsylwi plant yn eu chwarae yn hollbwysig er mwyn deall anghenion, ymddygiad, hoffterau, llesiant a diddordebau’r plentyn. Nid oes rhaid i hyn fod trwy arsylwi ffurfiol, wedi’i gynllunio ond gall ddigwydd ‘yn y foment’.
Bydd oedolion sy’n galluogi’n cadw anghenion datblygiadol plant yn flaenllaw yn eu hymarfer tra’n sicrhau bod eu gwahaniaethau’n cael eu parchu, eu cefnogi a’u gwerthfawrogi, yn meddu ar ddealltwriaeth well o lawer o’r plant yn eu gofal. Bydd yn darparu’r amodau gorau ar gyfer eu datblygiad a’u cynnydd.
Mae cynllunio yn y foment angen fod yn blentyn-ganolog, gan gadw’r plentyn wrth galon pob penderfyniad ynghylch pa fath o chwarae a phrofiadau sy’n cael eu cynnig a’u meithrin, gan ystyried eu diddordebau a’u hoffterau. Yn aml gall hyn gynnwys y plentyn yn y penderfyniad i gefnogi ei ddysgu a’i ddealltwriaeth.
Mae arsylwi effeithiol yn ein galluogi ni fel ymarferwyr i:
- ddod i adnabod pob plentyn
- adeiladu darlun cyfannol o bob plentyn
- ennill gwell dealltwriaeth o anghenion, diddordebau, ymddygiad, sgiliau a chynnydd unigolion a grwpiau o blant
- ddeall sut mae arsylwi yn cefnogi asesu
- gynllunio profiadau dysgu’r dyfodol a’r amgylchedd
- geisio cyngor pellach neu gyfeirio teuluoedd at ffynonellau cymorth eraill
‘Rydyn ni’n arsylwi plant drwy’r amser yn organig. Wedi gwarchod plant am flynyddoedd lawer, rydych chi’n gwybod beth sy’n gwneud i’r plant dicio a’r camau nesaf y mae angen i chi eu cymryd.’ Gwarchodwr plant​, Cymru
Beth yw ein cyfrifoldeb ni o ran arsylwi plant?
Mae’r Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer gofal plant wedi’i reoleiddio, Safon 7.9 yn nodi bod ‘yr hyn y mae plant yn ei wneud yn cael ei arsylwi a’i gofnodi er mwyn helpu i gynllunio’r camau nesaf ar gyfer chwarae, dysgu a datblygiad y plant’. Mae hefyd yn datgan yn Safon 7.10 bod ‘cynllunio clir ar gyfer gweithgareddau babanod’. Felly, mae ein dyletswydd gofal yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ni ddarparu cyfleoedd chwarae a gweithgareddau i hybu datblygiad emosiynol, corfforol, cymdeithasol, creadigol, ieithyddol a deallusol.
‘Cawsom blentyn yn cael trafferth gyda lleferydd a thrwy arsylwadau a chamau nesaf a heb gyrraedd targedau datblygu, roeddem yn gallu dangos tystiolaeth a cheisio cymorth gan therapydd lleferydd a rhanodd awgrymiadau. Erbyn i’r plentyn fod mewn addysg llawn amser roedd ei leferydd wedi gwella.’ Gwarchodwr plant​, Cymru
Mae Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn nodi, fel gweithwyr gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar proffesiynol y dylem ddefnyddio arsylwi a’n gwybodaeth am ddatblygiad plant i gynllunio profiadau dysgu sy’n cefnogi ac yn herio’r plant rydym yn gofalu amdanynt, a fydd yn eu tro yn eu helpu tuag at y pedwar diben i ddod yn:
- ddysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog
- gyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol
- ddinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus
- unigolion iach, hyderus.
Sut gallwn ni gefnogi cynnydd a datblygiad y plant yn ein gofal?
Fel oedolyn sy’n galluogi mae gennych rôl hanfodol wrth greu a chynnal perthnasoedd ac amgylchedd lle gall gofal, ymddiriedaeth, a chariad at ddysgu ffynnu. Mae angen inni fodelu dull llawen o ddysgu, a:
- chefnogi plant wrth iddynt archwilio’r byd o’u cwmpas.
- fodelu caredigrwydd, a pherthnasoedd cadarnhaol, sicr.
- helpu plant ifanc i reoli eu hemosiynau a’u hymddygiad trwy empathi a dealltwriaeth.
Mae Cwricwlwm i Gymru wedi cyflwyno dull newydd o gynllunio sy’n canolbwyntio ar y plentyn ac sy’n cydnabod pwysigrwydd gwybodaeth yr oedolyn sy’n galluogi wrth ddarparu profiadau i gefnogi dysgu a datblygiad. Mae’r symud i ffwrdd oddi wrth y dull sy’n cael ei yrru gan ganlyniadau neu gynnyrch wedi cael derbyniad da ac wedi gwneud gweithwyr proffesiynol gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar yn llawer mwy effeithlon ac ymatebol yn eu cynllunio.
Trwy sefyll yn ôl, arsylwi, ac yna ymyrryd a chefnogi’n briodol, gall yr oedolyn wella dysgu’r plentyn trwy feddwl ar y cyd parhaus. Dyma lle maen nhw’n archwilio syniadau a chysyniadau gyda’i gilydd, ac mae llif i’r rhyngweithio boed yn eiriol neu’n ddi-eiriau. Mae cyfnewid ystyrlon a meddwl estynedig yn digwydd trwy drafodaethau neu gyfathrebu corfforol sy’n adeiladu ar ddealltwriaeth gyfredol ac yn darparu cyfleoedd pellach sy’n cyd-fynd â datblygu ar eu cyflymder eu hunain a dilyn eu diddordebau.
‘Arsylwi plant yw gwrando, arsylwi a gwylio heb roi agenda arno. Gweld beth maen nhw’n ei wneud mewn gwirionedd heb geisio ei ddadansoddi ar y pryd ond cymryd neu nodi ‘ciplun’ a myfyrio ar hyn yn nes ymlaen.’ Gwarchodwr plant​, Cymru
Pa fathau o arsylwadau allwn ni eu defnyddio?
Mae yna lawer o fathau o arsylwadau. Gallwn ddechrau trwy feddwl am ein rôl, boed hynny fel:
Cyfranogwr, sy’n golygu ein bod ni’n chwarae tra hefyd yn arsylwi.
Neu fel y sylwedydd, pan fyddwn yn gwylio, gall hyn olygu sefyll yn agos at y chwarae, neu ymhellach i ffwrdd.
Gall ein harsylwadau fod yn:
Achlysurol pan fyddwn yn sylwi ar rywbeth sy’n arwyddocaol i’w gofnodi wrth i ni fynd o gwmpas ein chwarae bob dydd.
Neu wedi cynllunio, pan fyddwn wedi trefnu neu creu rhywbeth i fesur ymateb, datblygiad neu gynnydd y plentyn.
Dylem sicrhau ein bod yn arsylwi plant, yr amgylchedd, yn ogystal â’r profiadau difyr a gynigir. Mae’n helpu i gofnodi sut mae plant yn rhyngweithio; eu dewisiadau a’r effaith a gaiff eraill arnynt a’u lefelau ymgysylltu.
 ‘Rydym yn cofnodi ein harsylwadau drwy nodiadau gludiog, llyfrau nodiadau a llyfrau lloffion sy’n cael eu diweddaru bob 6 wythnos. Rydyn ni’n ychwanegu lluniau, yn ysgrifennu’r hyn rydyn ni wedi bod yn gweithio arno, yn nodi’r camau nesaf, ac yna’n eu hanfon adref at rieni i wneud sylwadau ac yn ychwanegu atynt ac yn cynnig awgrymiadau o’r hyn yr hoffent i mi weithio arno nesaf.’ Gwarchodwr plant​, Cymru
Dyma rai enghreifftiau o’r mathau o arsylwadau y gallech fod am eu hystyried:
- Mae eiliadau hud yn arsylwadau byr mewn eiliad benodol, sy’n cipio digwyddiad eithriadol neu anarferol.
- Mae samplau amser yn arsylwadau sy’n dal plentyn mewn ciplun o amser. Gellir ailadrodd y rhain i ddal cyfres o samplau amser.
- Mae straeon dysgu fel y maen nhw’n ei ddweud, yn gofnod dros gyfnod o amser.
- Mae sociogramau yn arsylwadau sy’n seiliedig ar y grwpiau cymdeithasol y mae plant yn chwarae ynddynt. Gallai hyn gynnwys gyda phwy mae’r plentyn yn chwarae, beth mae ganddyn nhw ddiddordeb ynddo gyda’i gilydd, faint o amser a dreulir yn chwarae ac unrhyw rolau y gall y plant eu cymryd yn eu chwarae.
- Mae dewisiadau olrhain yn arsylwadau sy’n seiliedig ar ba ddewisiadau y mae’r plentyn yn eu gwneud, gall hyn gynnwys chwarae ar ei ben ei hun neu gydag/ochr yn ochr ag eraill, gall hyd yn oed ymwneud â pha eitemau y mae’n eu harchwilio ac yn ymgysylltu â nhw.
- Mae olrhain y defnydd o amgylcheddau yn arsylwadau sy’n seiliedig ar yr hyn y mae plant yn ei wneud yn yr amgylchedd. A yw’n well ganddynt fod dan do neu yn yr awyr agored? Sut maen nhw’n defnyddio’r amgylchedd, ydyn nhw’n addasu’r hyn sydd wedi’i osod allan? Am faint o amser maen nhw’n chwarae? A oes gofod nad ydynt yn ei ddefnyddio?
- Mae naratifau fel arfer yn arsylwadau hirach y bydd y prif ofalwr yn eu cynnal a byddant yn aml yn cynnwys llawer o’r arsylwadau hynny a nodwyd yn flaenorol. Gall y rhain gynnwys mewnbwn gan rieni a phartneriaid ac maent yn aml ar amseroedd a drefnwyd.
- I ddysgu mwy am y mathau o arsylwadau ewch i fodiwl hyfforddi Hwb: Arsylwi sydd wedi’i gomisiynu gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac sy’n rhan o gyfres o fodiwlau sydd wedi’u cynllunio i gynorthwyo ymarferwyr i fyfyrio ar arfer a darpariaeth.
Beth yw eich cyngor da o ran arsylwi plant?
Fy un peth i’w ystyried wrth arsylwi plant yw gwrando’n astud wrth iddynt chwarae. Mae gwrando gweithredol yn sgil sy’n ehangach na gwrando ar ei ben ei hun ac mae’n cynnwys adnabod iaith corff plentyn neu fynegiant wyneb i helpu i ddeall a chefnogi cysylltiad emosiynol â’r plentyn. Trwy wneud hyn cawn ddealltwriaeth llawer gwell o’r plentyn yn ei gyfanrwydd ac mae’n dangos ein parch sy’n atgyfnerthu ymlyniadau a pherthnasoedd cryfach a dyfnach.
Bydd hyd yn oed plant di-eiriau yn rhoi gwybod i chi trwy synau, sŵn, ciwiau ac ystumiau, sut maen nhw’n teimlo, eu mwynhad, rhyfeddod ac unrhyw anghenion. Cofiwch fwynhau’r rhyngweithio, ymgysylltu a sgyrsiau a rhannu yn eu llawenydd a’u cyflawniadau.
‘Rydym yn hwyluswyr, yn hwyluso chwarae. Hwyluso plant i gyflawni eu syniadau.’ Gwarchodwr plant​, Cymru