Today (28 January) the Department for Education (DfE) has published details on three initiatives around early years qualifications aiming to improve recruitment and progression within the sector.
- A new experience-base route
Following consultation with the sector, the DfE is introducing a new experience-based route to working in the staff:child ratios at level 3. This is an opportunity for skilled and experienced early years staff who do not have full qualifications to be able to work within ratio at Level 3 in group settings. Setting leaders will be able to begin assessing whether staff meet the criteria from 3 March 2025, however it will not be possible for anyone to be included in the staff:child ratios at level 3 through this route until at least September 2025 when the EYFS is updated.
- Early Years Teacher Degree Apprenticeship qualification
The DfE also announced a new qualification, the Early Years Teacher Degree Apprenticeship (EYTDA). This is a three-year course resulting in full early years teacher status (EYTS, level 6). It is relevant for all types of early years professionals, including registered childminders. The DfE expects training providers will begin to offer this qualification from September 2026, although some may be available earlier.
- Check an Early Years Qualification digital service
The DfE is launching a new Check an Early Years Qualification digital service which will be available later in Spring following a successful pilot. This service aims to guide early years managers to check staff qualifications and provide clarity on whether these are “full and relevant”.
Sharing these announcements, the DfE said:
“We have announced a package of early years qualification initiatives that will both support entry and progression within the workforce, and ensure that the staff working with young children have the right skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality provision.”