New flexibilities for childminders from 1 November

From 1 November 2024, the Department for Education (DfE) will be introducing new flexibilities for childminders in England, including:

  • The creation of a new category of childminder, ‘childminder without domestic premises’ that works entirely from non-domestic premises. A new title, ‘childminder with domestic premises’ for those working within a home.
  • More flexibility for childminders with domestic premises and providers of childcare on domestic premises (COPD) to spend more time operating on a non-domestic premises such as a church hall. (This is an expansion of the current rule that allows this for 50% of the time).
  • Increasing the total number of people that can work together under a childminder’s registration from 3 to 4 (including the childminder) and CODPs from 4 or more, to 5 or more people.

PACEY has had lengthy discussions with colleagues at the DfE about these changes and what they will mean for childminders. We understand that some of you will have questions and concerns about these changes and so in the next week we will publish a full and comprehensive information sheet* that covers the main changes and answers some practical questions.

Read the DfE’s blog around the new flexibilities.

*Read PACEY’s guide to the flexibilities

We continually feedback your questions, thoughts and concerns to colleagues at the DfE and Ofsted so please do contact us via if there is anything you would like us to know or follow up on.

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