Ideas and inspiration / Syniadau ac ysbrydoliaeth

​Reading about or seeing the ideas of others can provide inspiration when developing aspects of your own provision. The childminders involved in this project have shared their perspectives, thoughts and ideas to help shape the resources below.

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Gall darllen am neu weld syniadau eraill ddarparu ysbrydoliaeth wrth ddatblygu agweddau ar eich darpariaeth eich hun. Mae’r gwarchodwyr plant sy’n rhan o’r prosiect hwn wedi rhannu eu safbwyntiau, eu meddyliau a’u syniadau i helpu i lunio’r adnoddau isod.

Os nad ydych chi’n aelod o PACEY, ni fyddwch yn gallu cyrchu’r holl adnoddau hyn. Dysgwch ragor am aelodaeth PACEY ac ymunwch heddiw.

Case study: Fixing and learning

Emma Prydden runs Emma’s Childminding in Wrexham, and has a background in manufacturing and engineering. “We love anything that we can tinker with, from stripping down old electrical equipment to see how it looks inside, to fixing bikes on the drive – changing tyres, putting chains back on, carrying out basic maintenance and checking that they are safe to use,” she says. Emma encourages children of all ages to use trial and error and real tools to fix bikes, supervising from a distance with lots of suggestions. “One little boy loved arranging the spanners in size order and was thrilled when he worked out he could use the 13mm spanner to adjust the bike seat.”

Case study: Simple activities

Victoria Johns runs Little Bear Childminding in Welsh village Dafen, incorporating into her setting activities such as baking soda volcanoes, simple building activities with playdough and lollipop sticks, using different materials with magnets, looking at nature items on a light box, and testing what will melt ice the fastest.

In particular, STEM activities have benefits for children with autism and ADHD, Victoria says, offering sensory experiences, language development, mastering fine and gross motor skills, helping them grow in confidence and 16 understand their own bodies. She adds: “I have seen children with ALN stay focused and engaged in STEM activities for long periods. The children learn resilience and patience, and we work in a group to reach a collective goal.”

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