PACEY Connect
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- PACEY Connect
PACEY Connect is a package of services designed to help local authorities, boroughs and other key partners support childcare and early years professionals in their area.
PACEY provide flexible, tailored support for local authorities, boroughs and other key partners so children benefit from quality childcare.
PACEY Connect England
PACEY Connect Wales
PACEY Connect England
PACEY Connect offers support that is:
Delivered by Early Years and Childcare experts
Tailored to your local need
Available virtually
What services can PACEY Connect provide?
Pre-registration support: Package of services to support those looking to become a childminder or work in the childcare and early years sector. Including information sessions, telephone and email support and advice surgeries for those registering a childcare service.
Professional development and training: Package of services on a variety of themes relevant to childcare and early years for existing childcare and early years provision. This will support quality improvement and continuous professional development (CPD) to promote professionalism. Including training, telephone and email support and advice surgeries.
Consultancy support: Available for local authorities, boroughs, JCP and other partners tailored to your needs. Can support work on a wide range of issues at a strategic level.
Promotion of quality childcare: Package of services for educating and informing staff teams within a local authority, borough or JCP team on childcare options available to families alongside services for informing parents, carers, clients on childcare options available to them.
How do I buy PACEY Connect services?
Staff working for local authorities, boroughs or statutory agencies in England can buy services on behalf of childcare and early years professionals in their area.
Our services are flexible, so authorities can choose to:
- Buy a range of services as part of a contract with PACEY for a year or more
- Purchase specific services at any time of the year based on immediate needs
How are services delivered?
The team from PACEY will deliver the training. PACEY staff and associates are experienced in early years and childcare and in supporting adult learners. The services are all delivered virtually reducing the cost to yourselves and offering flexibility in approach.
How much do the packages cost?
Our packages of support are excellent value for money and are available on request.
For further information on costs and other queries in relation to PACEY Connect services in England email: Claire Protheroe, Head of Contracts and Projects
PACEY Connect (Cymru)/Cyswllt yng Nghymru
We provide flexible, tailored support for local authorities and childcare professionals in Wales so children benefit from quality childcare.
PACEY Connect (Cymru) is a package of services designed to help Welsh local authorities support childminders in their area, as well as those working in childcare across Wales.
The packages focus on three areas:
New childminding, childcare and early years provision: for applicant and newly registered childminders, and those looking to work or who are newly employed in the childcare and early years sector.
New childminding, childcare and early years provision: for applicant and newly registered childminders, and those looking to work or who are newly employed in the childcare and early years sector.
New childminding, childcare and early years provision: for applicant and newly registered childminders, and those looking to work or who are newly employed in the childcare and early years sector.
How do I buy PACEY Connect services?
Local authorities or other statutory agencies
Local authorities have a duty to ensure that the children in their local areas have the best possible standards of care. People working for local authorities in Wales or statutory agencies can buy services on behalf of childcare and early years professionals in their area.
Our services are flexible, so authorities can choose to:
- Buy a range of services as part of a contract with PACEY Cymru for a year or more
- Purchase specific services at any time of the year based on immediate needs
Childcare and early years professionals
Childcare and early years professionals can choose to directly purchase our services. They can do this as individuals or as a group, for example a local peer support group.
How are services delivered?
A team of PACEY trainers will deliver the training. PACEY trainers and Associates are experienced in home-based childcare and in supporting adult learners.
How much do the packages cost?
Our packages of support are excellent value for money for both local authority commissioners and childcare and early years professionals.
Fees vary and include training development time, management fees and travel costs.
Venue costs are extra as many local authorities can provide their own at a reduced rate or for free. If this is not possible, we can arrange venues and these costs will be added to the fees.
For further information on PACEY Connect services in Wales call 02920 351407 or email
PACEY Connect (Cymru)/Cyswllt yng Nghymru
Rydym yn darparu cefnogaeth hyblyg sydd wedi’i theilwra i awdurdodau lleol a gweithwyr gofal plant proffesiynol yng Nghymru fel bod plant yn elwa o ofal plant o safon.
Pecyn o wasanaethau yw PACEY Cyswllt (Cymru) sydd wedi’i gynllunio i helpu awdurdodau lleol Cymru i gefnogi gwarchodwyr plant yn eu hardal, yn ogystal â’r rhai sy’n gweithio ym maes gofal plant ledled Cymru.
Mae’r pecynnau’n canolbwyntio ar dri maes:
Darpariaeth newydd ar gyfer gwarchod plant, gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar: ar gyfer darpar warchodwyr plant a gwarchodwyr plant sydd newydd gofrestru, a’r rheini sy’n edrych i weithio neu sydd newydd eu cyflogi yn y sector gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar.
Cefnogaeth i wella ansawdd: ar gyfer gwarchodwyr plant a’r rheini sy’n gweithio ym maes gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar o amgylch gwella ansawdd a datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus (DPP) i hyrwyddo proffesiynoldeb.
Darpariaeth gwarchod plant a gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar cynaliadwy: cefnogi datblygiad busnes a chynaliadwyedd.
Sut mae prynu gwasanaethau PACEY Cyswllt (Cymru)?
Awdurdodau lleol neu asiantaethau statudol eraill
Mae’n ddyletswydd ar awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod gan y plant yn eu hardaloedd lleol y safonau gofal gorau posib. Gall pobl sy’n gweithio dros awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru neu asiantaethau statudol brynu gwasanaethau ar ran gweithwyr gofal plant proffesiynol a blynyddoedd cynnar yn eu hardal.
Mae ein gwasanaethau’n hyblyg, felly gall awdurdodau ddewis:
- Prynu ystod o wasanaethau fel rhan o gontract gyda PACEY Cymru am flwyddyn neu fwy
- Prynu gwasanaethau penodol ar unrhyw adeg o’r flwyddyn yn seiliedig ar anghenion uniongyrchol
Gweithwyr gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar
Gall gweithwyr proffesiynol gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar ddewis prynu ein gwasanaethau yn uniongyrchol. Gallant wneud hyn fel unigolion neu fel grŵp, er enghraifft grŵp cymorth cymheiriaid lleol.
ut mae gwasanaethau'n cael eu darparu?
Bydd tîm o hyfforddwyr PACEY yn cyflwyno’r hyfforddiant. Mae hyfforddwyr a Chysylltiadau PACEY yn brofiadol mewn gofal plant yn y cartref ac o ran cefnogi dysgwyr sy’n oedolion.
Faint mae'r pecynnau'n eu costio?
Mae ein pecynnau cymorth yn werth rhagorol am arian i gomisiynwyr awdurdodau lleol ac i weithwyr gofal plant a blynyddoedd cynnar proffesiynol.
Mae’r ffioedd yn amrywio ac yn cynnwys amser datblygu hyfforddiant, ffioedd rheoli a chostau teithio.
Mae costau lleoliad yn ychwanegol gan fod llawer o awdurdodau lleol yn gallu darparu eu rhai eu hunain ar gyfradd is neu am ddim. Os nad yw hyn yn bosib, gallwn drefnu lleoliadau a bydd y costau hyn yn cael eu hychwanegu at y ffioedd.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am wasanaethau PACEY Cyswllt yng Nghymru, ffoniwch 02920 351407 neu e-bostiwch
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