Changes to the Childcare Offer rate for Wales/ Newidiadau i gyfradd y Cynnig Gofal Plant

A written statement by the Minister for Children and Social Care has been issued to announce changes to the Childcare Offer for Wales hourly rate effective from April 2025.

The Minister shared:

“To continue supporting this sector, we are increasing the hourly rate paid to childcare providers from £5.00 to £6.00 per hour. This 20% increase will take effect from 7 April 2025 – the first Monday of the new financial year. We will also be providing additional funding to support the continued alignment of Nursery Education and Flying Start childcare.

We have also reviewed the guidance for providers on permissible food charges. We must carefully balance what is affordable for the provider and affordable for parents whilst recognising continued pressure in food, utility and energy prices. This is why, from April 2025, the daily rate for food will increase from £9.00 to £10.80."

The Welsh Government will work with CWLWM partners to clarify policy guidance around permissible charges. Any changes will take effect at the same time as the revised rate.

Claire Protheroe, Head of Contracts and Projects for PACEY said:

“We are pleased that there has been an uplift to the funding rate for the Childcare Offer given the financial struggles the sector faces however this, along with the wider package of support announced, will not resolve all the issues. Childminder numbers continue to decline in Wales at an alarming rate. Since the publication of the Independent Review of Childminding in June 23 numbers have decreased by over 10%. PACEY continue to call for action to address the immediate priorities within the system identified within the Independent Review of Childminding and also for a courageous and creative approach to establish a long-term strategic vision that halts the decline and promotes growth in the childminding sector. We will continue to raise concerns with Government and be the voice of childminders across Wales.”

You can access the Minister for Children and Social Services written statement here

The Welsh Government will publish further detail in the coming months that details the approach to the review of the Childcare Offer revised rate. The rate will now be reviewed annually.

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