Gweminarau ar gyfer Cymru

Gweminarau ar gyfer Cymru

Gweminarau ar gyfer Cymru Os ydych chi am drafod materion gofal plant pwysig mewn lleoliad cyfeillgar, cefnogol, cofrestrwch ar gyfer un o’n sesiynau rhyngweithiol ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol gofal plant yng Nghymru. Mae ein gweminarau yn sesiynau hyfforddi...
Regional networking morning: Leeds

Regional networking morning: Leeds

"Fantastic speakers, very interesting morning. A lot of information to take home and use. Thank you." Attendee We hosted a Regional networking morning in the centre of Leeds aimed at bringing people from the early years sector together, with talks and support on key...
Regional networking morning: Bristol

Regional networking morning: Bristol

"An amazing morning, very informative. The talks on SEND, childminders sharing experiences and issued with debt recovery were all brilliant. I look forward to these events in the future! Thank you." Attendee PACEY hosted a Regional networking morning in Bristol on...