A childminder’s support for children with ALN / Cefnogaeth gwarchodwr plant ar gyfer plant ag anghenion ADY
January 9, 2025
Though there have been changes to the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) system in Wales inclusive practice is still of high importance, including using a child-centred approach to the planning of provision, seeking to understand each child’s individual needs and support them to reach their potential.
PACEY Cymru spoke to Llinos Bowen a childminder from Pembrokeshire about her work, the support childminders can offer to children with ALN and the wider benefits of caring for children with ALN in Wales.
Tell us a bit about yourself and your childminding service I have been a childminder for 19 years. I care for children aged 0-4 during term time and older children during the school holidays. I work with assistants and an apprentice. We are a Welsh medium setting but do use English and sign along as well.
I have experience caring for children with ALN both as a childminder and in previous work in the sector. I feel strongly that parents should be able to access the childcare they choose, and we should change and adapt to meet every child’s needs.
When a child first attends our setting, we will assess their needs. We do this with the help of their parents, professionals and speaking to the local authority’s Early Years ALN Officer for extra support as needed.
What has helped you most to support children with ALN? Being able to access support from professionals to provide us with strategies, interventions and training specific to the needs of the children we care for. Examples include TACPAC (Touch And Communication PAC), Objects of reference (a way of using objects as a means of communicating), Neurodivergence, Visual impairment and Positive looking (understanding of visual skills).
We never stop learning as each child is different and so are their needs.
How do you work in partnership with parents? Occasionally we are the first to spot that a child may have ALN. It is important when having a discussion with parents that we are led by them as not every parent is ready to accept this, however we can plant the seed and put early intervention in place to support the child in the setting. A positive approach is essential when talking to parents as they may have already experienced negativity from others about their child’s development. It is key to share those little magical moments and the small steps that the child has achieved. There are many, even on the most challenging of days.
It is important to have a good working relationship with parents. I ensure that they know I am always available if they need to talk or need advice. I know that the idea, for some parents, that their child may have ALN can be daunting and sometimes scary and understanding support systems can be confusing. I would rather they reached out than struggled alone because if they are happy and supported then that will ensure the child feels safe and secure. I can also provide respite care for families to support their needs.
Parents have said: “This particular childminding setting is what I can only describe as a “Home from home”. The environment is nurturing, and the children learn through play and have a very structured happy environment where they are encouraged to explore both in Welsh and English medium which for our family is important.”
“Being the parent to three children with ALN can be extremely challenging but also rewarding. The hardest part for me is trusting someone to care for my children [but] the setting goes above and beyond what is expected to care and support my children and us as a family.”
“I am glad that I made the decision to use the childminder setting because without them life would have been much more difficult. More importantly my two sons would not have made the progress they have without their support.”
What have been the benefits of working with other professionals? We have been well supported by many professionals, it is the first time many of them have been in a childminding setting and they love the home from home feel, including the local authority’s Early Years ALN Officer. If we need extra guidance or we are not sure of something I only have to ask. They visit the child in the setting, they give us programmes and strategies to support the child and aid their development. In Pembrokeshire we have regular visits from Portfield Preschool Pennar (PPP) outreach who have helped with advice and resources. We attend Individual Development Plan (IDP) meetings as we have a good insight into the child’s needs and progress, and it is also useful to hear what parents and professionals have to say.
“It has been very beneficial for the children with ALN to attend the childminder's setting as they are able to deliver a bespoke service. Having smaller numbers of children in a setting can be beneficial for some children in order to meet their needs in a quieter, less busy environment.” Tasha Michaels, Pre-school Outreach Support Worker for children with ALN, Pembrokeshire Local Authority
Have you seen any benefits to the other children in your setting? Other children just accept that the child has different needs, they know what toys they like, where they like to sit and they are as excited as us when they make progress, however small. A child sat next to a child and signed and said ‘more’ before giving them more crackers. Another went to get a flannel as an object of reference and then took them to wash their hands before snack time. It is little moments like this that make me proud of how they support at their level, giving all children a sense of belonging.
We understand you have assistants, how has this positively supported caring for children who need additional support? I am fortunate to work with great staff, they share my passion about giving each child the best start in life. They attend meetings, and we work as a team to ensure that children have consistency within the setting. We make sure that we share knowledge and ideas. When a child needs additional adult support, we all play a part so the child does not get dependant or too attached to one adult but at the end of the day having additional staff allows individual attention to play a key part in making sure that the child is supported, they have their needs fully met (interventions, strategies, programmes are followed) and that all children are kept safe.
What top tips would you give to another childminder looking to support children with ALN? If you are asked to care for a child with ALN, I would say ‘go for it’. I have learnt so much, it has benefited all the children in my care. As a childminder we are used to adapting to meeting the needs and developmental stages of different age groups. Most children with ALN only require us to make a few adaptions to the environment or the way we work.
There are challenging days, on those days we remain calm, and support them using strategies that work for them. We sometimes need to do a little detective work to find out what needs to change for them, for example is the environment becoming too noisy? Are they in pain? Are they not sleeping well at night? Is there a new smell in the environment? Is it an item of clothing? These can then be adapted to support the child to become happy again.
Any final thoughts on caring for children with ALN?
Some children with ALN have different ways of communicating but all have plenty to ‘say’ and can express themselves.
Those small steps of progress really are big moments for children.
They are individuals. They may have the same diagnosis but very different needs.
They have the same basic needs as any other child, they just need us to take down the barriers and they will thrive.
I couldn’t do the job I do without the support of parents, professionals and staff. When we work together, we can ensure the best outcome for the child. We are lucky to be a part of every child’s journey, and every journey has been different.
Er y bu newidiadau i’r system Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (ADY) yng Nghymru, mae arfer cynhwysol yn dal yn bwysig iawn, gan gynnwys defnyddio dull sy’n canolbwyntio ar y plentyn wrth gynllunio darpariaeth, ceisio deall anghenion unigol pob plentyn a’i gefnogi i gyrraedd ei botensial.
Siaradodd PACEY Cymru â Llinos Bowen, gwarchodwr plant o Sir Benfro, am ei gwaith, a’r gefnogaeth gall gofalwyr plant gynnig i blant ag ADY, a’r buddion ehangach o ofalu am blant Cymru sydd ag ADY.
Dweda wrthym am dy hun a dy wasanaeth gwarchod plant Rwy wedi bod yn warchodwr plant ers 19 mlynedd. Rwy'n gofalu am blant 0-4 oed yn ystod y tymor a phlant hŷn yn ystod gwyliau'r ysgol. Rwy’n gweithio gyda chynorthwyydd a phrentis. Rydym yn lleoliad cyfrwng Cymraeg, ond yn defnyddio Saesneg ac iaith arwyddo yn ogystal. Mae gennyf brofiad o ofalu am blant gydag ADY fel gwarchodwr a thrwy fy ngwaith blaenorol yn y sector. Teimlaf yn gryf y dylai rhieni gael mynediad i’r gofal plant o’u dewis, a dylem newid ac addasu i gwrdd ag anghenion pob plentyn. Pan fydd plentyn yn mynychu ein lleoliad am y tro cyntaf, byddwn yn asesu ei anghenion. Rydym yn gwneud hyn gyda chymorth eu rhieni, gweithwyr proffesiynol a siarad â Swyddog ADY Blynyddoedd Cynnar yr awdurdod lleol am gymorth ychwanegol yn ôl yr angen.
Beth sydd wedi bod o’r cymorth mwyaf wrth i ti gefnogi plant ag ADY? Gallu cael mynediad at gefnogaeth gan bobl broffesiynol sy’n medru darparu strategaethau, ymyraethau ac hyfforddiant sy’n benodol at anghenion y plant dan ein gofal. Enghreifftiau o hyn yw TACPAC (‘Touch and Communication’ PAC), Gwrthrychau Cyfeirio (ffordd o ddefnyddio gwrthrychau fel dull cyfathrebu), Niwrowahaniaeth, Nam ar y golwg a ‘Positive Looking’ (dealltwriaeth o sgiliau gweledol).
Does byth terfyn ar y dysgu gan fod bob plentyn yn wahanol ac felly mae eu hanghenion.
Sut wyt ti’n gweithio mewn partneriaeth â rhieni? Yn achlysurol, ni yw’r cyntaf i sylwi gall fod gan blentyn ADY. Wrth drafod â rhieni mae’n bwysig ein bod ni’n cael ein harwain ganddyn nhw, gan nad yw bob rhiant yn barod i dderbyn y syniad; fodd bynnag, gallwn hau’r hedyn a rhoi ymyrraeth cynnar mewn lle er mwyn cefnogi’r plentyn yn y lleoliad. Mae ymagwedd cadarnhaol yn allweddol wrth siarad â rhieni, gan mae’n bosib y byddant eisoes wedi profi negatifedd gan eraill ynghylch datblygiad eu plentyn. Mae’n allweddol ein bod ni’n rhannu’r fomentau bach hudol a chamau bach o gyflawniad gan y plentyn. Mae yna nifer o’r rheini, hyd yn oed ar y diwrnodau mwyaf heriol.
Mae'n bwysig cael perthynas waith dda gyda rhieni. Rwy’n sicrhau eu bod yn gwybod fy mod ar gael bob amser os oes angen iddynt siarad neu os oes angen cyngor arnynt. Gwn y gall y syniad, i rai rhieni, y gallai fod gan eu plentyn ADY fod yn anodd ac weithiau’n frawychus, a gall deall systemau cymorth fod yn ddryslyd. Byddai'n well gennyf pe baent yn estyn allan na chael trafferth ar eu pen eu hunain oherwydd os ydynt yn hapus ac yn cael eu cefnogi, bydd hynny'n sicrhau bod y plentyn yn teimlo'n ddiogel. Gallaf hefyd ddarparu gofal seibiant i deuluoedd i gefnogi eu hanghenion.
Mae rhieni wedi dweud:
“Dim ond “Cartref oddi cartref” y gallaf ei ddefnyddio i ddisgrifio'r lleoliad gwarchod plant penodol hwn. Mae’r amgylchedd yn feithringar, ac mae’r plant yn dysgu trwy chwarae ac mae ganddyn nhw amgylchedd hapus strwythuredig iawn lle maen nhw’n cael eu hannog i archwilio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg sy’n bwysig i’n teulu ni.”
“Gall fod yn rhiant i dri phlentyn ag ADY fod yn heriol iawn, ond hefyd cynnig llawer o foddhad. I mi, y rhan anoddaf yw ymddiried yn rhywun arall i ofalu am y plant [ond] mae’r lleoliad yn rhagori ar ein disgwyliadau wrth ofalu am a chefnogi fy mhlant, a ninnau fel teulu.”
“Rwy’n falch fy mod wedi gwneud y penderfyniad i ddefnyddio’r lleoliad gwarchodwr plant oherwydd hebddynt byddai bywyd wedi bod yn llawer anoddach. Yn bwysicach fyth, ni fyddai fy nau fab wedi gwneud y fath cynnydd heb eu cefnogaeth.”
Beth yw’r buddio o weithio â phobl broffesiynol eraill? Rydym wedi cael cefnogaeth dda gan lawer o weithwyr proffesiynol, dyma’r tro cyntaf i lawer ohonyn nhw fod mewn lleoliad gwarchod plant ac maen nhw wrth eu bodd â’r naws cartref oddi cartref, gan gynnwys Swyddog ADY Blynyddoedd Cynnar yr awdurdod lleol. Os oes angen arweiniad ychwanegol neu os nad ydym yn siŵr o rywbeth does ond rhaid i mi ofyn. Maent yn ymweld â'r plentyn yn y lleoliad, yn rhoi rhaglenni a strategaethau i ni i gefnogi'r plentyn a chynorthwyo ei ddatblygiad. Yn Sir Benfro rydym yn cael ymweliadau rheolaidd gan allgymorth Portfield Preschool Pennar (PPP) sydd wedi helpu gyda chyngor ac adnoddau. Rydym yn mynychu cyfarfodydd Cynllun Datblygu Unigol (CD) gan ein bod yn gwybod am anghenion a chynnydd y plentyn, ac mae’n ddefnyddiol i glywed yr hyn sydd gan blant a phobl broffesiynol i’w ddweud
“Mae wedi bod yn fuddiol iawn i blant ag ADY fynychu lleoliad y gwarchodwr plant gan eu bod yn gallu darparu gwasanaeth pwrpasol. Gall cael niferoedd llai o blant mewn lleoliad fod o fudd i rai plant er mwyn diwallu eu hanghenion mewn amgylchedd tawelach, llai prysur.” Tasha Michaels, Gweithiwr Cymorth Allgymorth Cyn-ysgol ar gyfer plant ag ADY, Awdurdod Lleol Sir Benfro
Wyt ti wedi gweld unrhyw fuddion i blant eraill yn y lleoliad? Mae plant eraill y lleoliad yn derbyn fod gan y plentyn anghenion gwahanol - maen nhw’n gwybod pa deganau maen nhw’n ei hoffi, ac maen nhw’n rhannu’n cyffro ni ar weld cynnydd y plentyn, waeth mor fach yw’r cynnydd hwnnw. Eisteddodd plentyn wrth ymyl plentyn arall a defnyddio iaith arwyddo i ddweud ‘mwy’ cyn rhoi rhagor o graceri iddyn nhw. Aeth un arall i nôl cadach ymolchi fel gwrthrych cyfeirio, ac yna fynd â’r plentyn i olchi eu dwylo cyn amser snac. Mae’r momentau bychain fel hyn yn fy ngwneud i’n falch o sut maen nhw’n cefnogi plant ar eu lefel, gan roi ymdeimlad o berthyn i bob plentyn.
Rydym yn deall bod gennych gynorthwywyr, sut mae hyn wedi cefnogi gofalu am blant sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol yn gadarnhaol? Rwy’n ffodus i weithio gyda staff gwych, maent yn rhannu fy angerdd am roi’r dechrau gorau mewn bywyd i bob plentyn. Maent yn mynychu cyfarfodydd, ac rydym yn gweithio fel tîm i sicrhau bod plant yn cael cysondeb o fewn y lleoliad. Rydym yn gwneud yn siŵr ein bod yn rhannu gwybodaeth a syniadau. Pan fydd angen cymorth ychwanegol gan oedolyn ar blentyn, rydym i gyd yn chwarae rhan fel nad yw’r plentyn yn mynd yn ddibynnol neu’n datblygu ymlyniad rhy gryf i un oedolyn ond yn y pen draw mae cael staff ychwanegol yn caniatáu i sylw unigol chwarae rhan allweddol wrth wneud yn siŵr bod y plentyn yn cael ei gefnogi, bod ei anghenion yn cael ei ddiwallu’n llawn (ymyriadau, strategaethau, rhaglenni’n cael eu dilyn) a bod pob plentyn yn cael ei gadw’n ddiogel.
Pa top tips fyddet ti’n rhannu efo gwarchodwr plant arall sy’n edrych i gefnogi plant ag ADY? Os wyt ti’n derbyn cais i ofalu am blant ag ADY, fyddwn i’n dweud, ‘cer amdani’. Rwy wedi dysgu cymaint, mae wedi bod o fudd i’r holl blant dan fy ngofal. Fel gwarchodwr plant rydyn ni wedi arfer addasu i gwrdd ag anghenion a chamau datblygiadol y gwahanol grwpiau oedran. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o blant ag ADY ond angen ychydig o addasiadau i’r amgylchedd neu’r ffordd rydyn ni’n gweithredu.
Mae yna ddyddiau heriol, ac ar y diwrnodau hynny rydyn ni’n aros yn dawel ac yn cefnogi’r plant gyda strategaethau sy’n gweithio iddyn nhw. Weithiau mae’n rhaid i ni wneud tipyn o waith ditectif i ganfod beth sydd angen i ni newid ar gyfer plentyn, er enghraifft, ydi’r amgylchedd yn mynd yn rhy swnllyd? Ydyn nhw mewn poen? Yn cysgu’n wael gyda’r nos? Oes yna arogl newydd yn yr amgylchedd? Ai dilledyn yw’r broblem? Gallwn wedyn addasu’r rhain a chefnogi’r plentyn i ddod yn hapus unwaith eto.
Unrhyw feddyliau eraill ar ofalu am blant ag ADY?
Mae gan rai plant ag ADY ffyrdd gwahanol o gyfathrebu, ond mae ganddyn nhw ddigon i ‘ddweud’ ac yn gallu mynegi eu hunain.
Mae’r camau cynnydd bychain yn fomentau enfawr i blant.
Unigolion ydyn nhw. Gall blant â’r un diagnosis gael anghenion gwahanol iawn.
Mae ganddyn nhw’r un anghenion sylfaenol ag unrhyw blentyn arall – mae angen i ni ollwng y rhwystrau er mwyn iddyn nhw ffynnu.
Ni allaf wneud fy swydd heb gefnogaeth rhieni, pobl broffesiynol a staff. Pan rydyn ni’n gweithio gyda’n gilydd gallwn sicrhau’r canlyniad gorau i bob plentyn. Rydyn ni’n ffodus i fod yn rhan o siwrne bob plentyn, ac mae pob siwrne wedi bod yn unigryw.
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